Eliminate Yeast Infections And Corns On The Feet With This Amazing Home Remedy

In addition to helping us eliminate yeast infection from the feet, aspirin is also very effective in relieving inflammation in the area as well as to reduce stains.

In this article, we want to share with you a fantastic aspirin and lemon remedy for removing yeast infection and corns, as well as taking care of your feet in general.

The feet are the guarantors of the balance of our body. But most people give them very little importance until they notice some imperfections.

The use of shoes, continuous friction and contact with many types of microorganisms can affect the dermis, and over time, cause corns, crevices and some infections.

Lack of care and treatment can lead to more serious symptoms. These, in addition to being unsightly, generate pain and inflammation.

Fortunately, you don’t always have to spend astronomical sums of money on pedicures or professional treatments to have feet free from corns, yeast infections or other ailments.

In fact, if you mix together ingredients that are easy to find in the market and moreover economical, you can obtain excellent remedies to soften them and keep them healthy.

Take careful note!

Home remedy to eliminate yeast infection and corns on the feet

The catalog of home remedies for the feet offers us a wide variety of preparations to eliminate yeast infection, remove dead cells and avoid other annoying problems that harm them.

Among them is treatment with aspirin and lemon juice. It is well known for its ability to exfoliate, cleanse, and soften the harshest areas of the skin.

Aspirin is an analgesic and anti-coagulant medication that is often used to relieve headaches, fever, and certain blood circulation difficulties.

Although these are its most common applications, it is also used as a component for aesthetics and skin health.

Indeed, it helps fight against acne, spots and other impurities that adhere to the surface of the skin. In addition, thanks to its composition, it is very effective in eliminating fungal infections of the feet and nails.

Indeed, it decreases the proliferation of fungi and controls the itching sensation they cause.

Aspirin contains a high concentration of beta-hydroxy acid. It is a fat soluble component that cosmetic companies use in the preparation of exfoliating creams and lotions.

It also contains anti-inflammatory and calming substances. These help decrease tension and pain in that part of the body. Especially after a busy day of physical activity.

In addition, it is also used to lighten dark spots that can form on the feet from exposure to the sun, toxins and contact with various surfaces.

How to prepare this home remedy to take care of the feet?

If you notice that your feet have calluses, cracks, or any blemishes, don’t hesitate to try this amazing treatment to improve their appearance in no time.

Its ingredients are very easy to acquire. And since they’re not aggressive, they’re great for all skin types.

In fact, its regular application eliminates fungal infections and bacteria, In addition, it prevents imbalances in the pH in the skin and bad odors.


  • 5 aspirins
  • The juice of one lemon
  • 1 pumice stone


  • Put the aspirin in a mortar then crush it until you obtain a small powder.
  • If you don’t have mortar, dampen it with a little water. Then crush it with a fork or heavy object.
  • Put the powder obtained in a container then add the lemon juice.
  • Mix everything for a few moments, until you obtain a thick and homogeneous paste.
  • If you notice that it is too dry, add more lemon or a spoonful of water.

Eliminate yeast infection and corns with this lemon remedy

Method of use

  • Rinse your feet to remove accumulated dirt.
  • Then spread a thin layer of the product on the areas affected by corns and yeast infection.
  • Wait 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Rub the areas with a pumice stone to remove hard, dead skin.
  • Remove dead cells with lukewarm water and dry your feet well.
  • Repeat this two or three times a week for good results.

Ready to see your feet transformed? Add this simple treatment to your daily beauty regimen. You will discover all its benefits for the skin.

Note that it is interesting to supplement its application with a good moisturizer since the area tends to suffer from excessive dryness.

  • Acido salicĂ­lico Dra. L. Cuellar, Dr. A. Sehtman, Dra. L. Donatti y col. Act Terap Dermatol 2008; 31: 108. Available in: http://www.atdermae.com/pdfs/atd_31_02_06.pdf
  • Dhanavade, Dr. Maruti & Jalkute, Dr. Chidambar & Ghosh, Jai & Sonawane, Kailas. (2011). Study Antimicrobial Activity of Lemon (Citrus lemon L.) Peel Extract. British J. of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 2. 119-122.

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