2 Natural Alternatives To Treat Streaks

Even though it is difficult to completely erase them, with the help of these natural treatments you will manage to minimize the streaks and improve the appearance of the skin. skin.

Streaks are skin problems that don’t just affect women. Men can suffer from it too, and it is a rather uncomfortable condition.

They are easy to recognize because they are a group of irregular lines and are red in color.

Streaks are often the result of stretching of the layers of skin tissue, especially the inner and middle layer.

The discomfort produced because of the appearance of streaks are related to aesthetics.

Thus, people who suffer from it see their self-esteem affected and avoid showing certain areas of their body in public.

The parts of the body most affected by striae

As in any type of condition, there are factors that influence the appearance of streaks, some possible to control and others a little more complicated.

In the case of striae, their presence is attributed to the instability of the body weight.

They usually appear because of uncontrolled weight gain or loss. Although this is not the only factor associated with streaks.

Another factor is the period of growth during puberty, as the skin begins to stretch to the point of losing its elastic capacity, which gives rise to this phenomenon.

Another influencing factor is of course pregnancy. In this case, the streaks are localized on the stomach or on the sides of the body.

The streaks may take on a reddish tone if they are recent; white or coffee-colored if they are older.

There are other areas prone to streaks. These are the following:

  • The belly
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Hips

Treat streaks naturally

Streaks are skin conditions that are destined to progress. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the different stages.

However, be aware that in general, once they are there, they cannot be eliminated. They can only be processed.

While all types of streaks can be treated, the reddish ones are much easier to reduce because, as we said before, they are the newer ones.

We are now going to give you two ideal alternatives to treat and minimize the famous streaks.

1. Red grapes

Red grapes are fruit with great benefits, in addition to being delicious. They are used to make wine, one of the most important drinks in the world.

We can also take advantage of them for other purposes to derive the maximum benefit from their immense virtues.


  • 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 g)
  • 10 red grapes

Preparation and application

  • Crush the grapes, without removing the skin or the seeds.
  • Mix the crushed grapes with the natural yogurt and mix until you obtain a slightly thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the streaks with a circular massage.
  • You should leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, rinse with plenty of cold water.

2. Lemon and olive oil

Olive oil is another great ingredient for supporting skin health, thanks to its supply of vitamin E, an essential nutrient for skin care.

On the other hand, lemon is a very popular citrus fruit in the world thanks to its multiple benefits.

It can thus be ideal for us to do away with streaks thanks to its citric acid contribution, which gives it exfoliating and whitening properties.

Together, these ingredients form a good alternative for treating those annoying marks and improving the appearance of the skin.


  • 10 drops of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 lemon


  • With a circular massage, rub the pulp of the half lemon on the area where the streaks are located for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, wait for the product to take effect for 15 minutes and finally, massage with extra virgin olive oil.
  • You will need to massage the area until the skin absorbs it completely.

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