5 Factors That Cause Spots On The Face

The spots that appear on your face are due to several causes. Knowing the factors that cause them will let you know how to deal with them. We explain all this to you in the following article.

Spots on the face are caused by an overproduction of melanin, a chemical compound that gives human skin its color, concentrated in a specific area. Hyperpigmentation of spots can be caused, among other things, by exposure to the sun or by a hormonal imbalance.

Even though irregular pigmentation is generally associated with aging of the skin: spots can appear on the face as early as the end of adolescence and regardless of the skin type.

Skin pigmentation disorders are common. However, as they do not have serious consequences. So, apart from the cosmetic drawbacks, there is nothing to be overly concerned about when they appear.

5 factors that cause spots on the face

Here are some of the factors that cause spots on the face. Take note and try to take it into account to reduce stains!

1. Hormones

Hormonal changes are the most common cause of the appearance of spots on the face. Additionally, birth control pills and certain drugs that alter the hormonal balance can cause dark spots after exposure to daylight.

You should keep in mind that hormonal activity can also reveal melasma, a form of irregular pigmentation that affects some pregnant women.

2. Sun exposure

avoid spots on the face by protecting yourself from the sun

Uneven exposure to daylight is another possible cause of spots on the face. This causes inhomogeneous production of melanin. Excessive exposure to the sun plays a crucial role in the formation of all types of spots on the skin.

It is recommended to apply daily sunscreen or day cream with a high protection factor, especially if you enjoy a sunny climate. It is also a good idea to apply a moisturizer with a medium protection factor, including during the winter months.

3. Acne

Exposure to the sun of an irritated or inflamed pimple can cause hyperpigmentation. This is another common cause for the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

Keep in mind that it is best not to touch  the pimples, as they can leave spots on your face due to the stress that the skin suffers from. For this, we recommend that you treat them with specific products.

4. Inadequate diet

Food is the key in all aspects of our life. In addition, you should know that a poor diet, in combination with the deficit of certain nutrients, can cause the appearance of spots on the face.

In these cases, we recommend that you make small changes in your diet by including healthy and varied foods. In order to gradually remove spots from the face.

5. Artificial light

Finally, you should know that artificial light can also cause the appearance of spots on the face, even if to a lesser degree than natural light.

It is true that, any kind of light increases the generation of melanin. In this sense, it is necessary to protect the face throughout the day with products containing a sun filter, including in spaces benefiting from artificial light.

Treatments to reduce dark spots on the face

treat spots on the face

Treatment of dark spots is not mandatory. Indeed, they have no consequences on health, but they often involve an aesthetic problem.

If you want to reduce the spots on the face, there are some very effective natural ingredients. They can be applied as a preventive or curative treatment in the form of a mask:

  • White clay
  • Lemon
  • Celery essential oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Oats
  • Pineapple
  • Parsley
  • Onion
  • Argan Oil

Note: Avoid exposing yourself to the sun after using these masks, as this may make the situation worse.

Moreover, to reduce the spots on the face, it is possible to use specific creams which reduce the formation of melanin and the faded pigmentation. You should not forget that these products should not be applied over the long term. On the other hand, and although it is not necessary, the laser can also be used as a solution to reduce the spots on the face.

Finally, remember that when you observe the appearance of spots on the face, it is essential  to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible in order to carry out relevant analyzes and tests. Understanding the extent of the problem, the causes and intervening with a specific diagnosis and treatment is vital in reducing and combating the appearance of spots on the face.

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