6 Accessories Every Woman Should Have In Her Closet

An outfit, for any occasion, is not just about clothes. Do you give feminine accessories the attention they deserve? In this article we are going to tell you about some accessories that should not be missing from your wardrobe.

Women’s accessories are to clothes what lighting is to decorating a room. If they are well chosen, they can make you look ten times more beautiful. But if they are not, they can ruin the most beautiful combination of clothes. If you want to have a lot of possibilities, read this article, where we show you some accessories that every woman must have in her closet.

Perhaps for many, these are objects of little interest, which may go unnoticed. However, accessories are a very important element when putting together an outfit.

Besides colors and sizes, material, style and quantity are also important. Wearing too many accessories won’t have the best effect, but wearing just one or two is sometimes too little.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider. The world of accessories for women is very large, so a few tips can never be too much. Here are the accessories that every woman should have in her closet.

6 accessories every woman should have in her closet

1. Sunglasses

Of course, when summer arrives, it is impossible to do without it. Either way, sunglasses are one of those accessories that go beyond the season. They are worn all year round and there are thousands of fantastic designs.

The choice of sunglasses depends on the taste of each person. Now, of course, don’t forget the shape of your face. Not all types of glasses fit everyone.

Either way, try to always have a pair handy. Any outfit you choose for morning or afternoon will be embellished by the sunglasses.

sunglasses are an important female accessory

2. Handbag

Of course, the handbag can not be missing in the list of accessories that every woman should have in her closet. Different styles and colors can be used to suit the dress and the situation.

In order to never find yourself empty-handed – almost literally – we recommend that you have at least one more formal bag, for example for a business meeting, and one more casual. Thus, you will have already covered the two types of events that may warrant its use.

3. Belts

The range of belts is very diverse, with beautiful designs. Use the different colors and materials to style and draw attention to your waistline. Another tip: don’t miss the opportunity to combine them with your shoes. It will sound fantastic!

4. Earrings

Have you noticed how a person’s face changes depending on the type of earrings they wear? As with glasses, the shape of the face plays a major role in the choice of earrings.

For example, oval faces are favored by triangular earrings. On the other hand, those with a more rounded shape should wear elongated pendants or earrings. In any case, wearing earrings with a shape corresponding to the contour of the face will emphasize this feature and the effect will not be good.

On the other hand, the hairstyle should also be taken into account. If you are wearing new earrings or earrings that you want to show off, tie your hair back so it doesn’t hide it.

5. Bracelets and rings

Combined with well-groomed nails, bracelets and rings make your hands look perfect. We have brought these two elements together because they offer the possibility of combining them and playing with their possibilities.

As for the bracelets, you can wear one or more, depending on the occasion. If it is a special event and you want to wear a particular bracelet, it is best to wear it on its own so that it can be more visible.

Something similar happens with the rings. There are big ones, small ones, with badges, in gold, in silver, with engagement rings, with diamonds or precious stones. It’s impossible not to find a style you like and identify with.

hats are an important female accessory

6. Hat

Finally, we can’t forget the hats. The trilby, also known as the small brim , has been very fashionable for several years. Although these types of hats were created for men, women have incorporated them into their outfits and it looks really good on them.

You also have the choice between the Pork pie , the Bogart , the bowler hat or the typical beach hats. For every occasion, there is a hat that is perfect on any feminine outfit. Which models do you prefer?

In conclusion, it only remains to re-emphasize the importance of accessories. If you don’t have the option of having all the clothes you would like to have at your disposal, they give you the option to vary the outfits at a lower cost. Combining them with the clothes you choose is an art, and at the same time a pleasure. Experiment and invent new looks!

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