What Is The Most Recommended Type Of Rice During A Diet?

Unlike white rice, brown rice has not gone through a refining process and therefore retains all of its nutrients. It stands out for its high fiber intake.

Many people who start a diet think that carbohydrates make you fat. Therefore, they think they should be removed from the food list altogether. Did you know that there are several types of rice?

However, this is not entirely true. Without carbohydrates, the body does not have sufficient energy to perform all daily activities.

He will not be able to endure the sports training which, in general, accompanies these slimming diets.

There are endless foods within the group of carbohydrates that we can eat. They allow meals to be varied and not bother us during a diet.

However, rice is one of the most consumed ingredients in the world for its ease of access. In addition, it accompanies many preparations.

Thus, its consumption, the quantities and the type of rice are decisive in the effectiveness of your diet. Whether it’s to maintain your ideal weight or to lose inches.

Below we show you not one type of rice but the recommended and healthiest ones for your diet.

You can easily find them in stores. We also give you some tips that will help you to consume it in the best way.

Brown rice: the most recommended

brown rice as the healthiest type of rice

Based on recommendations from leading industry experts and diet experts, the ideal rice is brown rice. It is one of the most common on the market, alongside white rice. In addition, it is easy to prepare and goes very well with other foods.

Brown rice has the particularity of providing much more nutritional benefits than white rice because it offers unrefined whole grains (unlike white). Its production process is less laborious, which allows all of its nutrients and properties to be maintained.

If it’s still difficult for you to figure it out, here are some reasons why it is better to choose brown rice over white rice.

  • The fact that it is not refined allows it to retain its original nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It therefore helps the body to prevent many diseases.
  • It contains more fiber than white rice, which makes it an easy to digest food, which prevents constipation problems and makes you feel full. This reduces the cravings for snacking after a meal.
  • Thanks to its high fiber content, it acts as a good antioxidant and purifier of the body. It therefore helps reduce fats and impurities that adhere to the intestinal tract and the walls of the stomach.

Gluten free and low in calories, but with lots of vitamins

Best of all, it’s low in calories, gluten free, and low on the glycemic load.

Thanks to its nutritional value, it is an ideal food for weight loss. It will allow you to get rid of your bulges in a short time without stopping to eat well.

  • Among the nutrients it provides us are the B vitamins and iron, as well as other important minerals that your body needs to stay strong and healthy.

The advantages of brown rice over white rice are numerous. However, you should know that in terms of taste you may not like it.

Brown rice is less processed and therefore retains its original taste. It tastes like a nut and it may not be popular with everyone or suitable for all preparations.

So that the taste does not bother us, it is enough to accompany it with other preparations in order to balance its flavor.

How to prepare brown rice?

The different types of rice

The most recommended is to use a good rice cooker in order to shorten the cooking time. Otherwise, cooking will take about 20 minutes.

  • Just remember that for one cup of rice you need to add 3 cups of water in order to open up the grain well. Since this is a whole grain, you will need more water in order to achieve the ideal doneness.

As you can see, one of the other advantages of brown rice is the speed of its preparation, compared to other carbohydrates. While it is certain that it takes a little longer to cook than white rice, it is worth the wait.

And there you have it, you now know the type of rice that best suits you!

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