Do You Have Dark Circles? Make Them Disappear Naturally!

Dark circles are a sign that something is wrong with our lifestyle. They could be due to your diet, lack of sleep, or some skin problem.

Bags under the eyes, like those in dark circles, are really unsightly and make us look a lot more tired than we are. We are very frustrated because they are difficult to hide. They sometimes make us look sick or give the impression that the skin of the face is neglected!

Dark circles can appear for various reasons: some are just the result of a sleepless night. Very different from those which occur for genetic or allergic reasons, and others which result from a reaction to a drug or which are due to water retention.

Some recommendations to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes

There are many ways to remove dark circles.

  • First of all, eat a balanced diet that is low in sodium and drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Sleep on your back so that water does not collect around the eyes (otherwise bags will form). To avoid dark circles, you should sleep at least 8 hours in a row.
  • Place two spoons in the freezer overnight. The next day when you wake up, lie down on your back and place the spoons over your eyes for five minutes, as long as they are cold. The eyes will then be less swollen. Indeed, the blood vessels constrict under the effect of the temperature below 0ºC.
  • Apply some hemorrhoid cream under the eyes, preferably in the morning. To reduce puffiness. Its anti-inflammatory components serve to reduce swelling.
  • Soak a cloth in a cup of cold green tea, place it on the eyes and leave to act for 20 minutes. It is a perfect remedy after work. The tea activates the circulation there and the eyes are less swollen.

The tea activates the circulation of the eyes and reduces the marks of dark circles.

  • When you wake up, spray the eyes with cool water. Then place a slice of potato on each eye, or a slice of cucumber. Leave for 10 minutes and dark circles will no longer look the same. Repeat three times a week.
  • Lightly pat the area below the eye with the ring finger 10 times in a row, from the inside out, once a day. This promotes the elimination of water and activates circulation.
  • Take a raw egg white then spread it under the eyes and wait for it to dry. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. The vitamin B contained in the egg helps improve circulation!

Effective treatments to get rid of dark circles

Dark circles are generally indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle. They can be a sign of malnutrition, insufficient sleep or problems with insomnia, or they can be from a skin condition. To avoid the appearance of dark circles, take note of the following recommendations:

  • Get enough sleep: give your body time to recover, as well as your skin and mind.
  • Drink lots of water: this will make your skin softer and smoother. You yourself will be well hydrated and you will eliminate more toxins.
  • Eat in a balanced way: the diet is intimately linked to skin problems. Consume more vitamins and minerals and you will have a radiant face!
  • Use a product that naturally lightens the complexion by reducing skin pigmentation. For example, enjoy the health benefits of potato or cucumber juice. Or use these two sliced ​​vegetables for the effect to be instantaneous.
  • Use small tea bags: all kinds of tea, even the most common. Prepare your tea as usual and let it cool. Dip a wipe in the tea and place it under the eyes. You can also place the tea bag directly under your eyes: this technique will make them deflate.
  • Make a paste with honey and a spoonful of powdered milk, apply it under the eyes and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

Makeup tips to hide dark circles

While waiting for the benefits of these home remedies and your good habits, you can learn the tips of makeup artists to hide these two problems that appear so often on the face.

A good quality foundation can work wonders on your skin, don’t forget that. You will find in stores many products to hide dark circles. However, they may not always be suitable for your skin or they may give the impression that you are wearing a mask.

This makeup covers a lot. But the problem arises for those who have a very fair complexion, because they never find the tone they need! If you can’t do your makeup like a pro, you risk getting pitiful results. This is called the panda effect. In other words, a lighter or darker tone around the eyes.

A good base of hold reduces the marks of dark circles.

How to avoid the panda effect?

To avoid this effect without giving up hiding those unaesthetic dark circles, once your face is well cleansed and hydrated, apply your usual base by spreading it out with small taps with your fingertips. This way, you cover the dark circles, being careful to hide them well. Let your skin rest for a few minutes then continue to apply makeup: this will prevent the top layer from mixing with the one below. What you need to do is apply foundation all over your face except around the eyes. On this part, you must apply a thinner layer with a brush.

You will thus succeed in obtaining a coverage as opaque as the base which was applied below the eyes and of the same tone, thus avoiding marks in this area. To be even safer to avoid the panda effect, there are lighter or shinier mineral pigments. They will allow you to even out the complexion all over the face if you add a few light and very diffuse touches.

If you notice that the dark circles area has a lighter tone, you can make up for this difference with a little blush on the cheeks. This prevents attention from going where you don’t want it. You can also use a lipstick of a more intense color, such as a bright red!

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