5 Signs Of A Codependent Relationship

Do you have any doubts about the meaning of the codependent relationship? Are you wondering about this? Discover our answers in this article through 5 obvious signs.

Among all the vocabulary we use we do not always know how exactly to define the term codependent relation. This is why it is very important to know how to differentiate this type of bond with your partner. Would you like to know more?

Being an emotionally dependent person is not the same as having a co-dependent relationship. Even though the two terms use the word dependency , their meanings are different. Today we are analyzing the relationship of codependency which is quite frequent.

What is a codependent relationship?

The Group for the Analysis and Study of Emotional Dependence (GAEDE) explains very clearly what a codependency relationship corresponds to. What happens is  people become obsessed and concerned about their partner  in a peer-to-peer relationship.

In other words,  a codependent relationship consists of two emotionally dependent people. Therefore, this type of relationship tends to last quite a long time.

Sometimes people are not emotionally dependent until they meet a partner. This is because they don’t know how to establish a healthy rapport in such a relationship.

The hands of a couple around a cup of coffee.

Signs of a codependent relationship

Such a relationship, even if it lasts for years, is not ideal. Indeed, this type of relationship exhausts and ends up creating toxic patterns that do no good.

Fortunately, it is possible to get out of it and learn to bond in other ways. To do this, it makes sense to pay attention to those signs that alert you to the existence of a codependent relationship.

1. You sacrifice yourself to make the other happy

Loving a person is not the same as sacrificing yourself. These two concepts have nothing to do with it. If you have to sacrifice going out with friends, seeing family, taking on new training that you enjoy, or changing jobs, you are not in a healthy relationship. Remember that you are still an individual person, even if you share your life with someone.

2. Sign of a codependent relationship: you are afraid that your partner will get angry

In popular culture, there is a phrase for this: walking on  eggshells . Does this happen in your relationship? If you keep holding yourself back from saying something so as not to anger the other, or if you take responsibility for anger they express about your actions, be careful! You may be in a codependent relationship.

3. You take care of your partner, but you do not feel taken into account

It’s a feeling that often comes up in codependent relationships. Indeed, nothing seems sufficient for you. Since you sacrifice yourself so much for each other, you expect the same in return.

But maybe your partner doesn’t want to sacrifice themselves or isn’t able to go so far as to sacrifice yourself. To solve this problem, you have to start by taking care of yourself. You can then take care of your partner, but with limits.

4. Sign of a codependent relationship: you are afraid that your partner will leave you

There is no signal, everything is fine. But obsessive thoughts start to arise in your mind and increase the fear of being abandoned every day.

This feeling is not healthy and will force you to do things at all costs to avoid this imaginary separation. Some people even decide to break off the relationship and immediately move on with another who will be co-dependent again. But we have to get out of this gear.

A couple with their backs in a bed.

5. You are trying to change the other person

Even if you don’t realize it, by your actions you are trying to change your partner. It’s because you are in control of every little detail, because you are afraid that he or she will leave you. It then makes you obsessive.

You want him or her to be near you always. But it becomes toxic. This is indeed a mistake. As Silvia Congost says :  “it is possible to love without destroying yourself  and without trying to change your partner”.

Relationships should make us happy

Have you identified yourself in any of these signs mentioned? Do you think you can’t live without the other person? That your life has no meaning without it?

These kinds of relationships are more common than you might think and they are not healthy. Therefore, it is important to watch out for these signs in order to find a solution to these toxic links. If the couple is a necessity for you, then there is something to work on.

Finally, if you are unhappy in your relationship or are experiencing a lot of anxiety, you can seek help. More and more people are turning to psychologists to resolve toxic and harmful links. Love should be synonymous with happiness, desire and tranquility.

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