Right-handed Or Left-handed, Discover The Meaning Of Your Dominant Laterality!

Lefties tend to have more ability in certain sports, as their dominant hemisphere is more specialized in tasks related to spatial vision. They also have an advantage over their right laterality, as they are used to living in a world made for right-handed people.

Even if there is no exact explanation of why a person is left-handed or right-handed, many studies still agree that it could be the result of genetic data.

A person will be left-handed because they have a family history of left-handed people. We are not born right-handed or left-handed, but we are born in our early childhood, influenced by genetics and the conditions in which we grow up.

Laterality is the domination of one side of the body over the other, in various areas such as capacity or strength.

Many people have a strong dominant side, and are not ambidextrous, that is, they have average dexterity.

The theory of cerebral domination suggests that each individual has a dominant hemisphere, which will decide the most efficient movement.

Right-handed people are dominated by their left hemisphere, while left-handed people are dominated by their right hemisphere.

However, that doesn’t mean that we only need one hemisphere to live properly.

Each of the two symmetrical hemispheres of our brain has its own functions, for which it is much more specialized than the other.

The important thing is to keep in mind that each hemisphere works at different functions, and that they each have their part in all our interpretations and in the responses that we bring to given situations.

The left hemisphere is commonly referred to as the symbolic, or logical, hemisphere. Because he is in charge of language, and of the sequential processing of information.

For its part, the right hemisphere is known as the visual, postural or holistic hemisphere, because its function is to process spatial-bodily information.

It works with the images perceived by the eyes, and controls the holistic functions.

The differences between a left-hander and a right-hander

Now that you can see a little more clearly about the dominant hemispheres in left-handed and right-handed people, we are going to present you with several data that will allow you to understand the concrete realization of this fundamental difference.

Left-handed people have more facilities for sports activities

Indeed, the right hemisphere is specialized in spatial vision tasks. This gives a considerable advantage to left-handers who can better control extreme movements. While having a global vision of the space around them. Conversely, right-handed people are more limited.

Numerous studies indicate that left-handed people may be more creative  because the right hemisphere of the brain is directly related to originality and creativity.

This hemisphere is more active in left-handed people, which gives them much more artistic ability.

Right-handed people have a lot of ease with their right laterality. But are much more in difficulty to use their left laterality.

In the majority of cases, the left laterality of right-handed people can only be used with the support of the dominant laterality. That is to say the right laterality.

Different research has established that left-handed people have an advantage over right-handed people in controlling their dominated laterality. Because they live in a world designed for right-handed people.

Left-handed people must have better dominated their right laterality. To be able to live in a world that was not made for them.

From there, we can say that they have a greater control of their two cerebral hemispheres.

Dominant hand exercises

Laterality exercises.

It may seem surprising. But the dominant side of our body can influence the lifestyle we choose.

According to Dr. Elmie Ragas, a naturalistic physician, the dominant hand can tell a person the correct way to move and exercise.

When the person does it correctly, that is to say in adequacy with the capacities of his dominant hand, the exercise is rewarding and energizing. Poorly executed, it becomes complicated and tiring.

Exercises recommended for right-handed people

  • Put a chair in front of you, to use it as a support for one of your legs. Lift the other leg for a few seconds, then release. Repeat the operation 5 times, then start again by changing the supporting leg.
  • Sit on the floor. Your knees should point slightly forward, while forming a 90-degree angle. Your hands are resting on the ground. Stretch your leg forward 5 times in a row, then do the same with the other leg.
  • Put your hands and knees on the floor, making sure your back remains straight. Lift your right leg, and hold this position for 10 seconds. Then do the same with the other leg. Do 3 repetitions for each leg.

Exercises recommended for people with left laterality

  • Spread your legs so that they are wider than your shoulders. Lower yourself as much as possible, without putting too much strain on your upper body. Hold this position for a few seconds before straightening up.
  • Stand with your feet together and your back straight. Lower yourself, trying to touch your legs with your face, as if you are performing stretching exercises.

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