8 Fruits Against Abdominal Swelling

To combat abdominal swelling, it is essential to follow a balanced diet and consume fruits rich in fiber.

Large meals, consumption of carbohydrates and fats, and snacks at any time of the day are some of the causes of abdominal swelling. Poor eating habits lead to many complications, both physical and mental.

In addition to suffering from a swollen stomach and gas, we do not appreciate our reflection in the mirror. That’s why we need to eat a healthier diet that is rich in fiber, which helps us eliminate waste and fat.

We must therefore reduce the consumption of certain foods and consume more fresh and natural foods, such as fruit. Fruits have digestive properties and are low in fat and high in water. They provide a large amount of fiber, which promotes the evacuation of toxins.

The recommended daily amount is five fruits per day. Alternating fruits is a great idea. We advise you to choose seasonal and local fruits. If they are from organic farming, even better!

Some fruits are more effective than others when it comes to reducing abdominal swelling. We recommend the following eight fruits. Take notes !

1. Citrus fruits, allies against abdominal swelling

Oranges and grapefruits contain 90% water. They are therefore perfect for eliminating fluids that accumulate in the body.

In addition, citrus fruits eliminate sodium from meals.

As for lemon, it is a diuretic and a natural laxative. We advise you to mix it with lukewarm water and drink this mixture on an empty stomach. You can also season your meals with lemon.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon helps to lose weight

It is another of the many waterlogged fruits that we can savor to remove excess fluid that has accumulated in the stomach.

Among this group of natural diuretics we also find peach and melon. All of them help eliminate fluids and sodium. They therefore promote the reduction of inflammation.

3. The lawyer

Abdominal swelling is often due to the stomach’s inability to ingest food properly or an intolerance to certain ingredients.

If for some reason the enzymes in the stomach cannot do their job properly, fats and carbohydrates “spend more time” inside the body and cause inflammation and gas.

Avocado contains lipase, an enzyme capable of breaking down fat. In addition, thanks to its potassium content, it helps eliminate water present in the belly.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple contains 85% water. But that’s not all..It contains  bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins concentrated in the stomach.

For centuries, this fruit has been used in America to treat indigestion and to curb cravings thanks to its satiating effect.

5. Apples

Rich in water and pectin, the apple offers us multiple benefits: it eliminates liquids, reduces abdominal swelling and calms the appetite.

In addition, the apple has the ability to “melt” fat, increase urination and detoxify the body. It is also rich in fiber and amino acids and therefore improves digestion.

As if that were not all, this fruit also prevents cavities, whitens teeth and prevents cardiovascular disease by cleaning the blood (cholesterol).

6. Grenada

Both the juice and the seeds of this fruit are powerful allies in losing weight and reducing abdominal swelling.

Eating one pomegranate a day for a month decreases stomach fat, especially in women with overweight during menopause.

7. Strawberry

Strawberry basket

Strawberry is a delicious fruit that perfectly combines sweetness and acidity. A great source of fiber and water, strawberries are great for controlling weight and improving digestion.

Their caloric intake is practically zero (for this we must eat them without sugar or cream). In addition, it acts as a powerful diuretic.

8. The kiwi

It provides a large amount of vitamin C and can help eliminate up to a third of the fat that accumulates in the body.

In addition, it stimulates the function of carnitine, a substance that burns fat and converts it into energy.

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