Home Remedy To Cure Cracked Heels And Corns

Thanks to its components, aspirin can be very effective in eliminating corns and calluses on the feet. To obtain satisfactory results, it is necessary to be constant in the treatment.

Cracked heels and corns on the feet are obvious signs of poor foot care.

They usually come from dehydration and other environmental factors to which they are subjected.

They tend to start because of the buildup of dead skin, due to excess dryness and exposure to dust and toxins.

However, in some cases, these are the red flags for skin diseases or nutritional deficiencies.

Whatever their cause, they are very annoying for everyone because they are painful and look unsightly.

An effective treatment is therefore necessary to reduce their presence on the feet and to accelerate their restoration.

Fortunately, thanks to the properties of certain ingredients, it is very easy to do treatments without having to spend large sums of money.

In this article, we are going to share with you an interesting remedy for your cracked heels, made from aspirin and 70% isopropyl alcohol.

Aspirin home remedy to treat cracked heels and corns on the feet

Aspirin is one of the most consumed pain relievers around the world thanks to its action against various types of ailments and its anti-coagulant effect.

It has been verified to be a potent anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective, ideal for people who tend to suffer from circulatory or heart disease.

In recent years, it has been used as a treatment for the skin because it has been shown that through topical use it can reduce acne, spots and dead cells that cause cosmetic problems.

The effectiveness of its application on the feet is something that has recently been proven.

Either way, more and more people are trying this treatment because it seems to work in just a few days.

What are the benefits of this remedy against corns?

First of all, it is necessary to underline its anti-inflammatory action which favors the relaxation and the relief of the feet vis-a-vis its troublesome problems.

Its high content of exfoliating compounds reduces the presence of dead cells and helps soften the hardness to promote their elimination. 

This home remedy has a restorative effect, ideal for speeding up the recovery of chapped or damaged skin.

It is also very useful in reducing itching and the presence of yeast infections that cause serious infections.

How to prepare this aspirin home remedy?

Homemade Aspirin Foot Healing Treatment is very easy to prepare and works in roughly 10 days. 

Before starting, it is important to know that its results vary depending on the severity of the problem and the regularity of the treatment. 

If all this is clear, you can start preparing this remedy to solve these foot ailments. Follow the steps!


  • 10 aspirins
  • 1 cup of 70% isopropyl alcohol (250 mL)
  • 1 opaque glass container
  • Piece of cotton or gauze
  • Plastic film


  • First, put the ten aspirins in a mortar and crush them until you get a powder.
  • Add them to the opaque glass container and add 70% isopropyl alcohol
  • Cover the container tightly and shake so that everything mixes well.
  • Then put it in a cool, dry place and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours.
  • During this period, you need to shake it several times so that the aspirin does not stay on the bottom.
  • When the time is up, apply.

Mode of use

  • We advise you to apply it before going to sleep so that its properties work during the night.
  • Take a piece of cotton or gauze and soak it in the product.
  • Wring out to remove excess and apply to affected areas.
  • Wrap the heel with the cling film, so that the cotton stays well on the horn.
  • Put on socks and go to rest.
  • The next day, when you wake up, remove the remedy and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Remember to dry your feet well and moisturize them before using your regular shoes.
  • Repeat the process for 10 nights in a row and you will notice that your problems will decrease.

Another benefit: if you apply this treatment to varicose veins, you will also get results and calm the pain.

As you can see, aspirin has a lot more applications than you might think. Follow the advice given and you will have healthier and more beautiful feet.

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