How To Make Delicious Vegan Mayonnaise

Vegan mayonnaise is highly recommended for those who are allergic to certain ingredients and also for those who want to eat a healthier diet.

Vegan mayonnaise is made exclusively with plant ingredients. This is the reason why the egg or milk is replaced by other ingredients, such as vegetable drinks.

Its preparation is really very simple, and there are several recipes, with different ingredients. Each of these recipes produces a slightly different result in terms of texture and consistency, but they are still 100% natural.

Two vegan mayonnaise recipes

Below we will share the recipe for two vegan mayonnaise, so that you can choose the most comfortable and tasty option for you.

1. With soy milk and olive oil

It is a light and creamy recipe. You can use it immediately after. It is a very good option to accompany salads or to spread on a sandwich.

vegan mayonnaise


  • 1/2 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 cup soy or almond drink
  • A pinch of mustard or 1/2 teaspoon of flavored mustard


  1. Add the soy beverage and lemon juice to the blender. Blend for 30 seconds.
  2. While stirring, slowly add the oil until it becomes thick.
  3. Add the salt, mustard, parsley and mix well.
  4. Taste the mixture to see whether or not you need to adjust the seasoning.
  5. Remember that you can optionally add the elements you want: chili, pepper.

Vegan potato mayonnaise

This mayonnaise is light, much denser than the previous one, since its main ingredient is potato. This tuber will give a much stronger flavor to the mixture.


  • Sunflower oil
  • Pepper
  • Oregano
  • Salt
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 large potato
  • Lemon juice
  • Water depending on whether you prefer it liquid or thick


  1. Peel the potato and cook it in water.
  2. Add the garlic clove, oregano, pepper and a pinch of salt.
  3. Keep on low heat and add the oil little by little.
  4. When the mixture is compact, add the water by the same procedure, ie little by little. Remember to do 5 second sections until the mixture is smooth and pliable.
  5. Add the lemon very carefully, because if it is added in excess, it will slice (as in traditional mayonnaise).
  6. You can add cilantro, basil, parsley and create delicious personalized flavors.

Tips for making vegan mayonnaise

Hand mixers and glass containers are the best allies of these recipes. Avoid plastic! Keep in mind that while you can use a stand mixer or a food processor, it  is better to use the hand mixer for small amounts.

A fundamental piece of advice if you prefer to obtain a natural product is to use a soy, almond, hazelnut drinkā€¦ which has no added sugars and which is as natural as possible.

vegan mayonnaise

As for oil, go for olive oil , which gives it a spicy touch. Of course, in moderate amounts. Also make sure the ingredients are at room temperature when preparing the mixture and don’t overdo the salt and garlic.

And the last essential tip:   keep it  mayonnaise  in the refrigerator and consume it in a short time.

When does vegan mayonnaise go wrong?

  1. By beating and stopping several times.
  2. By excess of cold or heat.
  3. By excess oil (generally the most common).
  4. When you mix too quickly.
  5. When the mixture is not thickened, it looks more and more liquid and translucent.

Mayonnaise variations

From a basic vegan mayonnaise, we can invent several flavors and colors by adding a few elements.

  • To get a purple or pinkish color, add a piece of cooked beetroot.
  • To obtain a green color, cooked spinach is used. The result will be a green sauce with a mild flavor.
  • To obtain a vegetable tartar sauce, you can add capers, olives, pickles and onions to the mixture.
  • To get a pink sauce, just add a little ketchup to the mixture.

Recommended uses

  • For salads, instead of oil and vinegar.
  • In sandwiches, burgers.
  • To accompany dishes such as: tortillas, canapes, croquettes.
  • For vegetables and baking preparations.
  • As a base sauce for  homemade pizzas  carbonara.

Making homemade mayonnaise allows us to create personalized mixes and enjoy a wide variety of natural and healthy foods. Go ahead and try these light preparations!

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