How To Grow Tomatoes Endlessly With Just 4 Slices

Growing tomatoes is very easy. In addition, it is a very delicious and nutritious fruit. With just a few slices, you can grow as many tomatoes as you want for your salads.

Did you know that only four slices of this fruit are enough to get a plant that will provide you with multiple tomatoes ? The process is economical but also very simple: we show you how to grow tomatoes in an unlimited way.

As well as being an essential ingredient in many recipes, the tomato is a fruit – because it is the part of the plant that contains the seeds – with a host of beneficial properties for the body. Among them, we can mention its important contribution of vitamins A, K and C and minerals such as iron and potassium.

In addition, it is also distinguished by its fiber content which makes it effective against constipation and is a natural diuretic. Its positive consequences for blood circulation and the maintenance of elasticity and hydration of the skin should not be minimized either.

Due to its indisputable uses and benefits, the tomato is one of the most popular fruits – which many consider a vegetable because of its use in savory dishes – around the world. If you are ok with this notion, you might want to know how to grow unlimited tomatoes with just a few slices.

How to grow endless tomatoes

By cutting only four slices of tomato, you can get a homemade plantation of this fruit with a minimal investment. Do you want to know more?

How to proceed ?

how to plant tomatoes?

The first thing to do is of course to fill a large pot with soil. Then cut four thin slices of tomato and place them directly on the ground, preferably separated from each other. In this way, you ensure that all the seeds are indeed in contact with the soil.

Before proceeding, we have an important tip for you: to avoid wasting food, you can take an overripe tomato, or even a little damaged. This will have no different effects from a healthy plant, and will allow you to grow perfectly normal plants.

Then you need to pour another layer of soil over the tomato slices. It shouldn’t be too thick, as we want the seeds to germinate fairly quickly.

Besides, you should be able to observe the growth of the plant a few weeks after planting the seeds. At this time, it remains only to transplant the most cultivated seedlings in a separate pot or directly into the ground. The goal is not to compete for nutrients with less healthy plants.

How to take care of your tomato plants?

From the moment you sow it, the tomato plant needs daily watering, especially at the very beginning of its growth. Then, when it begins to bear fruit, we advise you to reduce the watering a little so that the taste is more concentrated; make sure that the plant remains well hydrated.

Then, the transplant which takes place at the time of the germination of the first plants is an extremely important step. The roots of tomatoes need a lot of space to develop.

On the other hand, remember that this type of crop needs sunlight to be able to grow healthily. Therefore, place them in the brightest spot in your garden.

Regarding the substrate, we must have an organic substrate to achieve our goal of growing tomatoes in an unlimited way. Nitrogen is a fundamental nutrient for this type of crop. Here are various ways to get it for your plants.

  • Add composted manure
  • Place coffee grounds or plant beans near your tomatoes
  • Remove the top layer of soil and place earthworm humus in it

Finally, take note of the importance for tomato plants to receive sunlight. For this reason, it is not recommended to cover the ground where you have planted your tomatoes with dead leaves as you might do for other types of crops.

If you still decide to do this, since it is a practical technique for conserving moisture and preventing plant disease, do it after the soil has received a fair amount of sunlight.

The benefits of growing tomatoes at home

how to plant tomatoes?

Growing unlimited tomatoes can be an activity that, apart from being a great introduction to the world of gardening, can help the whole family to have a healthy and balanced diet. As we said, it is a very nutritious fruit.
In addition, growing tomatoes at home also has an economic aspect: especially in winter, this fruit can fetch quite high prices. So, what could be better than picking them from our own garden; without even having to invest anything.
Finally, it can also become a great hobby and a way to teach children values ​​such as responsibility, saving and using the resources available, as well as a way to lead a healthy lifestyle. No matter where you look, limitlessly growing tomatoes at home has its benefits.

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