5 Benefits Of Gelatin

Did you know that in addition to being rich in protein and excellent minerals for the skin, gelatin contains vitamins C and D? Discover all the benefits of gelatin.

The benefits of gelatin are numerous! We are sure that you have already looked at the menus of schools and even hospitals and that you were surprised to see gelatin there.

It’s a fun dessert, but it’s not a candy, let alone a classic food.

Gelatin is a resource that provides us with multiple vitamins and a lot of protein. Did you know, for example, that it’s a great way to strengthen our joints and repair cartilage?

So, from today, it will not be just a dessert for children, because you too will be able to benefit from it.

In this article, we’ll tell you all about what gelatin can do for you!

1. What is gelatin made of?

You will be surprised to learn, for example, that the pharmaceutical industry uses gelatin to coat a lot of the drugs that we usually take. This way, they digest better and cause less stomach pain.

Gelatin is obtained from collagen, connective tissue, and animal bones, among other elements.

The small gelatin sachets that we buy to make desserts contain a white powder in which there is pure protein.

Here is its composition:

  • Between 84-90% protein.
  • Between 1-2% of mineral salts.
  • Water.
  • Gelatin does not contain cholesterol or uric acid.

2. The benefits of gelatin

Gelatin contains an ingredient called glycine. It is an anti-inflammatory drug capable of reducing the incidence of any infectious process, as well as helping to repair damaged tissue.

This is why the benefits of gelatin are so numerous!

  • Glycine helps us prevent bleeding and bacterial infections. 
  • When we are suffering from blood circulation problems or liver disease, regular consumption of gelatin will allow us to optimize the process.
  • It promotes purification of the liver by eliminating toxins from cells. 
  • It protects us from arthritis and ulcers.

3. Have beautiful hair, strong nails and healthy skin

In the benefits of gelatin, we find its power to strengthen hair and nails and rejuvenate our skin.

  • In the development of hair and nails there is a process called keratinization.
    Thanks to it, we can, for example, firm our skin and strengthen our hair as well as our nails.
  • In order for the keratinization process to occur, we need a series of amino acids to stimulate their formation, and gelatin can help us in this process.

4. The benefits of gelatin to speed up the metabolism

Gelatin is a food rich in proteins and vitamins, which allows our body to start the process of thermogenesis which activates the metabolism.

Our advice is to combine gelatin with some acidic fruits.

If you consume the gelatin with oranges, grapefruit, plums or strawberries, you will get a very suitable breakfast for providing energy to your body and burning fat.

5. The benefits of gelatin for strengthening the immune system

We should always include gelatin in our diet and that of the whole family, without neglecting children and the elderly. They should also benefit from the benefits of gelatin.

  • It does not contain fat or cholesterol, and it is an ideal way to avoid the typical seasonal colds.
    It strengthens the immune system and the body’s defenses.
  • Gelatin is made up of protein, vitamins C and D, and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.

Gelatin with orange and ginger for the immune system


  • 1 sachet of tasteless gelatin (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger (5 g)


  • First, squeeze the two oranges. It is important to keep the skins whole because you will put the gelatin in it for a fun and original effect.
  • Once you have obtained the juice, mix it with the gelatin. If you wish, you can strain the juice so that too much pulp is not left.
  • During this time, heat the 200 ml of water to add the previous mixture. It is important to stir well to integrate the gelatin with the orange.
  • When it comes to a boil, it’s time to include the cinnamon and the 5 grams of ginger that you have previously grated.
  • To finish, you just have to pour the preparation into the orange peels. When the gelatin hardens and cools, the result will be original and delicious!

It’s a healthy dessert that strengthens the immune system for the whole family!

There you go, now you know how to take advantage of the benefits of gelatin!

  • González, I. (2015). Gelatina. FEUM.
  • Segovia, VD, Vidal, DG, & Ramírez-navas, JS (2013). Gelatina de pata de res. Universidad Santiago de Cali.
  • Berté, KAS, Izidoro, DR, Dutra, FLG, & Hoffmann-Ribani, R. (2011). Desenvolvimento de gelatina funcional de erva-mate. Ciência Rural. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-84782011000200029
  • Martínez, G., Uresti, RM, Ramirez, JA, & Velazquez, G. (2011). Extraction y caracterización de algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas de gelatina de piel de trucha. Revista Ciencia UAQ https://doi.org/10.1162/coli.09-023-R1-08-002

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