Active Breaks: A Vital Moment

Active breaks not only relax through stretching, but also recover lost energy. We then return to our occupations with more vitality and desire.

We are so busy and concerned with success that sometimes we forget to take time for ourselves and enjoy some quiet time. For this reason, now more than ever, active breaks are vitally important for both physical and mental health.

Today, everyone’s daily routines are more and more demanding and stressful. Often our personal and professional routines intersect. Consequence of this: None of these routines are successful.

What are active breaks? 

Active breaks

Active breaks are short periods of rest that we should all take during our working days. The idea of ​​these breaks is to relax your muscles and release the accumulated tension.  Thanks to these breaks, we can continue to work without pain, fatigue and stress.

A person who works in a sitting position for many hours must take an active break several times during the day. At the very least, she must get up and walk a little. This helps release tension in the buttocks and back.

Conversely, people who work in a standing position for many hours at a time need to take breaks while sitting in order to release tension in the legs.

Why are active breaks vitally important?

These breaks are very important because, at work, the muscles of the body remain static for long hours. As a result, toxins accumulate, and because they accumulate, they produce fatigue and pain in the shoulders, neck, and back. This is what is commonly referred to by the word stress, although it is not always stress.

This type of tension can also appear in the legs in the form of cramps or numbness.

Active breaks then make it possible to:

  • reduce muscle tension
  • prevent strong lesions, such as spasms
  • reduce the feeling of fatigue and stress
  • improve body postures
  • optimize attention and concentration at work

A relaxed and comfortable person works much better, which is as good for you as it is for your employer.

How long should active breaks last?

Stressed woman

Take a first active break at the start of the working day as a warm-up. This way, we stretch our muscles well and are ready to face everyday activities.

It is then recommended to take an active break every two to three hours. These breaks should be short: they last between five and ten minutes.

It is important to take into consideration some recommendations, so that these breaks are really productive and give the desired result.

  • Breathing should be deep, rhythmic and as slow as possible. The idea is to relax while practicing the chosen exercise.
  • It is recommended to start with exercises that mobilize the joints before stretching. It is also best to choose exercises that work in areas where you feel tension and fatigue.
  • Your concentration should be in full swing: you should feel the work of every muscle and every joint used for every exercise.
  • For the stretch to be truly effective, you should feel the stretch for between five and ten seconds without pain.
  • The ideal is to perform the exercises before entering a state of fatigue. Then make sure to take an active break every two hours during your day job

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