What Are The “children Of Crystal”?

“Indigo” or “crystal” are not labels. These adjectives refer to children with different levels of consciousness and extraordinary abilities. But what exactly does it mean to be a “crystal child”?

The Crystal Children are part of a generation that promises to step out into the world through love, peace and harmony. In this article, we show you how to identify these Crystal Children. Maybe you have one at home.

Children of the third millenniumcrystal children

It is said that the cornerstone of the transformation of the world is the child. For years there has been a theory that humanity will gradually improve through the genetic alteration of one or more generations. His disciples have a certain spiritual tendency.

From this theory, children are classified according to their unusual psychological patterns and behaviors. Some believe that the first generation of spiritual children came to earth in the 1950s or 1960s. However, their attempts to improve the world were not taken into account.

Therefore, between the 1970s and early 1990s, another generation known as the indigo children arrived. Indigo children, on the other hand, are known as “system breakers”. Their mission is to fight against actions and attitudes that do not come from love.

Indigo children seek respect for human values ​​and honesty. However, children of a different nature have now manifested themselves: the Crystal Children. The first to identify this generation of children was Steve Rother in 1999.

As early as 2002, Rother officially published his findings in a chapter of his book Re-member , a textbook for human evolution. Since then, research has been carried out to precisely define its attributes and characteristics.

Who are the Crystal Children?

Crystal Children are peaceful beings who seek truth and a balance between the intuitive and the irrational. Unlike the Indigo Children, who will make humanity focus on human well-being through change, the Crystal Child has a mission of healing.

In fact, the Crystal Child is generally very beautiful, with a pure and luminous aura, and very expressive large eyes. They are children with two very special attributes: they have powerful abilities that are often perceived as magical, and they have an extraordinary sensitivity to energy at the slightest vibration.

What does “crystal child” mean?

“Indigo” or “crystal” are not labels. These terms refer to different levels of expansion of consciousness. This generation of cubs is associated with crystal vibration, an energy that vibrates in all living things. When movement from one plane of consciousness to another occurs, the vibration of the person rises.

The vibrational frequency of the crystal is one of the purest forms of the manifestation of matter. In fact, crystal energy is the exact balance between energy polarities (male-female, think-feel). It is therefore this type of energy that vibrates particularly in the children of crystal.

What does a crystal child look like?crystal children

This generation of children is a calm, healing, conciliatory, peaceful, loving and compassionate generation. In the book Indigo and Crystal Children – Questions and Answers , the author points out that the parents of this generation of children define them as little angels.

This is because they have a balanced temperament ; for example, they like to bring peace, kiss and hug, even before they learn to speak. They are also very discreet. They usually do not stand out and prefer to go unnoticed, despite the fact that they attract the attention of sensitive people.

In traditional medicine, Crystal Children are often associated with certain developmental disorders, such as Attention Deficit Syndrome with or without Hyperactivity, Asperger’s Syndrome, or Autism Spectrum Disorders. However, the prognosis is not about the causes of their behavior; these children simply have a high life purpose.


In the article The Awakening of Crystal Children , Steve Rother broadly identifies the main attributes of these little beings in an effort to achieve a better definition of Crystal Children.

For example, the Crystal Child has psychokinetic abilities, vibrational hypersensitivity, and an earth connection. He also experiences emotional empathy, allergy to fear, among other characteristics.


The theory of the children of the third millennium has no scientific justification at this time. Experts say the qualities and attributes just described can be applied to anyone and at any time.

On the other hand, we also have to keep in mind that every child is different and that every personality is unique.

To be a crystal child or an indigo child is to have particular psychoenergetic characteristics. The objective of this classification is to understand these children, to better hear their message.

  •  Llinares, Nina., Rocha, Oswaldo., Sánchez, Mario. (2006). Niños índigo y cristal. Preguntas y respuestas. Editorial Kier
  • Rother, Steve. (2011). Re-member (A Handbook for Human Evolution). Lightworker Publication.

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