The 7 Habits Of Emotionally Intelligent People

It is very important to know yourself and to accept yourself. But it is also essential to have empathy and to put yourself in other people’s shoes, it is to be emotionally intelligent people.

For many years now, we have all heard that it is important to develop and express our emotional intelligence.

However, we are so drowned in this concept that the objectives to be reached multiply, without our having the assurance of being on the right path, and without knowing what we must do to maintain ourselves in this state of psychic balance. .

Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to manage their emotions, and those of others, effectively.

Being an emotional and intelligent being at the same time can be quite complicated to deal with. However, a lot of it depends on how we manage our goals.

We can all cultivate our inner flame  that helps us control our emotions, put limits on what we tolerate, and break down the emotional barriers that hurt us.

It is for this reason that, in this article, we are going to introduce you to the habits that emotionally intelligent people often have.

This will allow you to see what are the main axes of this type of personality.

1. Emotionally intelligent people know each other well

Emotionally intelligent people are able to understand the causes of their feelings.

They perfectly identify the situations that provoke some of their feelings, which allows them to better manage conflicts and difficult times.

It is not an easy task, because our emotional life can be very complicated.

In fact, we need to understand the roots of our strong emotions such as anger, fear or joy. But this is something particularly difficult.

2. Emotionally intelligent people know how to make decisions

Emotionally intelligent people also experience fear, but never rush into making decisions.

Conversely, they know how to analyze their deepest opinions and the consequences of each of the opportunities available to them.

Having a developed emotional intelligence can help us better recognize and assume our responsibilities. It allows us to set goals for ourselves to get what we want in life.

3. Emotionally intelligent people know how to deal with their emotions.

For Daniel Goleman, and others who have looked at this topic, self-knowledge is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence.

This ability consists of knowing how to recognize one’s states of mind, emotions and feelings.

In addition, self-knowledge involves an awareness of the influence of our moods on the people around us.

Managing our emotional resources is one of the central themes of emotional intelligence.

Knowing how to regulate your emotions allows you to establish healthy relationships with others, but also with your inner self.

Being aware of how we feel can allow us to be the master of our emotions, and not find ourselves in the opposite situation.

4. Smart people have empathy

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes. It is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence.

Knowing how the people around us feel fosters the relationship we have with them. In addition, it allows us to better manage interpersonal situations that may arise.

We can neutralize our senses, but we are not able to escape our own emotions and those of others.

People who know how to manage their emotions can better control this dimension.

5. Emotionally intelligent people open their hearts

Openness and trust in relationships are essential indicators of people with high emotional intelligence.

The more we open up, and the more we put aside our usual reserves, the more we can forge healthy and lasting relationships. 

Emotional intelligence allows us to feel and manage our emotions better, but also to express them better and to transmit them better to others.

6. Emotionally intelligent people are highly motivated to complete their projects.

Even though they can be nervous when it comes to making important changes in their life, they know how to manage their anxieties to carry out their projects.

By stepping into the unknown, they know they can achieve a better life, and this allows them to be constant in the pursuit, as well as in the achievement, of their goals.

As they know how to manage their emotions well, they can tolerate very great frustrations and significant deprivation of gratification, in order to be able to carry out their projects in the long term.

7. Emotionally intelligent people take responsibility

Self-acceptance and self-confidence help us become aware of our life, and to engage.

We must accept that we are responsible for our joys and our sorrows. And the burden of changing some unpleasant situations can only fall on our own shoulders.

How can we develop our emotional intelligence?

There is no direct relationship between what we call academic intelligence, and emotional intelligence.

A person can be brilliant, and have particularly distinguished themselves at school, while having great difficulty in managing their own life. 

It is also very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not in opposition to academic intelligence.

It is not the triumph of the heart over the brain, but the meeting point of two independent dimensions.

Brain of emotionally intelligent people.

In everyday life, we can implement different methods to better understand our emotions:

  • Get to know yourself better.  Ask yourself questions, question your behavior, and reflect on the values ​​you hold.
    Perform daily introspection exercises to deepen your self-knowledge.
  • Regulate your emotions.  It is not something simple. However, it is definitely worth trying to control our emotions, both positive and negative.
    If you feel that you are getting upset, take a moment to think about it and put some distance between yourself and the situation you are going through.
    Remember that you alone have control over your life, your behavior and your emotions.
  • Show empathy.  Put yourself in the shoes of the people around you, even if it is not always pleasant.
    In this way, you will understand that behind each person hides their own story.
    It will certainly help you overcome a lot of situations.
  • Always look for motivation.  Get up each morning feeling like you are moving forward in your life. The greatest successes are made of small successes, never forget that.

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