12 Foods For More Beautiful Hair

Did you know that these 12 foods can make your hair more beautiful? They are natural ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is normal to go through times when our hair is not at its best. This is why we invite you to discover here how to have more beautiful hair.

Is your hair dry, dull and damaged? We tend to think of it as our scalp or the shampoo. We then decide to cut them or apply treatments that are full of chemicals.

What we often ignore is that the health of our hair comes from within and that, generally, what we eat can affect its shine and resistance.

If your hair is dry and damaged, it’s time to change your diet. Many foods, thanks to their vitamin and mineral content, help protect and maintain the health of our hair.

1. The banana

Have the banana

It is ideal if you have oily hair.

Thanks to its high content of vitamin B6, it reduces the excessive production of sebum in the scalp.

2. The melon

Melon contains a lot of vitamin B7, which helps stimulate hair growth.

You can also find this vitamin in yogurt, pulses, and citrus fruits.

3. The tomato

If your hair is very fragile and falls out easily, start consuming tomatoes.

Because it contains high amounts of vitamin B8, it is excellent for preventing and slowing hair loss.

Egg yolk performs the same function.

4. Fish, an ally for more beautiful hair

Fish in general is great for healthy hair.

Thanks to its antioxidants and high omega 3 content, fish helps prevent dryness, hair loss and premature scalp aging.

5. Chicken

Our hair is made up of keratin, a protein whose production can be improved through the consumption of foods such as chicken.

6. Nuts

Nuts are rich in oils that aid in the production of elastin, which promotes the growth of healthy and strong hair.

7. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin A, a vitamin that brings shine and hydration to hair. 

They also contain a lot of vitamin B, an excellent vitamin for protecting hair and scalp from the sun. In addition, it promotes hair growth.

8. Spinach, allies for more beautiful hair

Spinach contains a lot of iron, which helps strengthen and stimulate circulation to the scalp.

Incorporate spinach in salads and juices, for example.

9. Carrots

Carrots are ideal for providing hydration to the hair.

Thanks to their beta-carotene and vitamin C content, the hair will be more hydrated and strong.

10. Radishes

They are rich in minerals and vitamin C : they nourish the hair and make it brighter.

11. The avocado, an ally for more beautiful hair

Besides being delicious, avocado contains a lot of good body fats that hydrate the hair fibers.

In addition, thanks to its vitamin E content, it protects them from the sun.

12. Parsley

Parsley branches

Parsley is excellent for supplementing many dishes, but also for maintaining healthy scalp tissue and promoting good circulation of capillary blood vessels.

Besides benefiting our hair, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help nourish our body in general.

Remember to include these ingredients in your daily diet and you will see how the health of your hair improves day by day.

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