Little-known Uses And Properties Of Coriander

Among the multiple properties of coriander, we find its ability to reduce menstrual colic in women. In addition, it helps strengthen the immune system and fight anemia thanks to its high iron content.

Coriander is a plant widely used in Europe, especially in the south-east of this continent. It gives flavor to many dishes. It is also used in the gastronomy of China, India, South America and Turkey.
In addition to its exceptional culinary properties, cilantro is very good for our health.

In this article, you will discover how cilantro can benefit you, and very quickly, you will start adding it to all your recipes!

This aromatic plant has the ability to bring delicious flavor to meats, soups and soups. Its leaves are similar to those of parsley, and you can also use its seeds as a condiment.

The properties of coriander

First of all, you should know that coriander is rich in oils having the ability to improve the functioning of the digestive system. For example, it stimulates the appetite and relieves irritation caused by certain foods. It is also a plant full of vitamins of groups A and K, but also of complexes B, C and E.

But that’s not all ! Cilantro also contains many nutrients and minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

It can detoxify the body from heavy metals. Indeed, the substances it contains adhere to toxic substances, and allow them to be eliminated through urine and perspiration.

Coriander tea is an ally of women.
If you have problems with your respiratory system, drink an infusion made with a handful of coriander seeds in a cup of water. You will be able to expel all the phlegm from your lungs, larynx and nose.

Women who have problems producing breast milk after giving birth (for example, those who have had a cesarean delivery)  can consume cilantro tea.

This plant is also good for reducing liver failure, purifying the body of bacteria and cleaning the blood of bad cholesterol (LDL).

The “coriandrum sativum L” (its scientific name) possess six different types of acids (including ascorbic acid, best known under the name of vitamin C), which brings many benefits to our health.

The benefits of consuming cilantro

It reduces inflammation

Thanks to its anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic properties, cilantro helps reduce inflammation caused by rheumatism and arthritis. These are two very painful degenerative diseases.

Its diuretic properties are excellent for combating kidney problems, from failure to the presence of stones in the kidneys.

Coriander reduces inflammation.

It lowers cholesterol

As we have already told you, this plant with such a special flavor helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. At the same time, it helps to eliminate the accumulation of fat in the inner walls of the veins and arteries, thus preventing heart attacks.

She treats diarrhea

The components of coriander (its essential oils for example) help to promote digestion.
They are used in particular to improve the functioning of the liver and intestine. It is for this reason that they are particularly recommended to treat diarrhea, when it is due to fungal or microbial problems.

The fresh leaves of the plant are also excellent as an aperitif.

It heals mouth ulcers

If you have canker sores, ulcers, or mouth sores, you can reap the benefits of cilantro.

Thanks to its antiseptic, healing and antimicrobial properties, you will be able to heal and treat those small mouth sores that bother you. It is also an excellent remedy for halitosis because it freshens the breath.

Cilantro helps freshen breath.

It helps fight anemia

The high iron content of cilantro is ideal for people who suffer from iron anemia. It is advisable to consume it raw, for example in salads, as an infusion, or chopped in sauces, soups and soups.

It improves digestive problems

This plant helps open the appetite, which is why it is used on convalescent patients, and is used in the treatment of anorexia.
It stimulates peristaltic movement, and helps in the secretion of enzymes and gastric juices. It is an excellent remedy for those who suffer from digestive problems.

It strengthens the immune system

The essential oils of coriander are rich in antioxidants, anti-infectives and agents that allow a good detoxification of the body. In addition, it contains vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system. It can therefore be used to improve cases of smallpox, as it reduces pain and relieves the patient.

It cures conjunctivitis

Cilantro is an excellent disinfectant, which is used to cure any infectious disease affecting the eyes, such as conjunctivitis.

It is also recommended for treating eye aging, macular degeneration and other factors that strain your eyesight.

It can also be used on small wounds. Make an infusion with a handful of coriander leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let cool, soak a cotton ball with this mixture, and put it on your eyes.

Coriander helps cure conjunctivitis.

It helps diabetics

People with type 2 diabetes can add cilantro to their meals. Indeed, it allows the secretion of insulin and the reduction of sugar levels in the blood.

He is an ally of women

Coriander tea is great for reducing or balancing hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle. It has been shown to be effective in reducing menstrual colic.

It improves the functions of different organs and glands

Cilantro is great for improving the condition of our liver, pancreas, lungs and stomach, as well as the endocrine glands.

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