4 Exercises To Strengthen The Abdominals

It is very important, when working the abdominals, not to strain your neck, because you can injure us and, in addition, exercise will not be effective.

Perfect abs are the dream of both men and women. It is also a sign of good health. Abdominal fat is not easily eliminated. It is, moreover, associated with certain ailments, and it is therefore necessary to perform exercises to maintain good abdominals.

The abdominal muscles are always present, although they cannot always be seen. Sometimes they’re hidden behind a layer of unsightly belly fat.

So, to eliminate this fat mass, it is necessary to work the abdominals to tone them and bring them out. So that you can have a beautiful, flat and toned stomach.

This is why we present in this article a series of exercises to maintain beautiful abs.

1. The plank to keep good abs

Strengthen the abdominals through the plank exercise.

It is a well known exercise, very easy to perform and very effective for working all the muscles in your body. Especially the abdominal strap.

To perform this exercise, you must lie face down on the ground. With your body fully upright on a flat surface, preferably an exercise mat.

  • The position is similar to that of the push-ups. Instead of resting your hands on the floor, place your forearms on the mat.
  • The elbows should be the same distance as the shoulders. You can also place one forearm on top of the other.
  • Then you need to keep your body weight on the forearms and toes. The feet should be apart at the same distance as the hips.
  • When you reach this position, you must maintain it, contracting your abdominal muscles constantly.
  • Your back should always be kept straight, so that a straight line can be drawn across your body from head to heels.
  • Hold the position for at least thirty seconds. You only need to do the exercise once, but the longer you can last, the more effective the abdominal work will be.

2. Russian twist

Strengthen the abdominals with the Russian twist.

Russian rotations are a great exercise to keep your oblique muscles in shape. To do the exercise, lie down on a mat facing the ceiling.

  • Then lift the trunk, so that you are almost seated. Lift your legs so that they are not touching the mat, keeping the soles of your feet supported.
  • Then fully extend your arms and squeeze your hands together.
  • You should rotate your upper trunk, always keeping your back straight, to one side first, until you reach the limit. Hold this position for two seconds.
  • Then pivot to the other side and repeat the action. Full movement on both sides counts as one repetition.
  • You should perform a minimum of eight repetitions, for three sets of exercises.

3. Reverse pedaling

Reverse pedaling is one of the best exercises for toning all muscles, including the abs.

To do this, you need to fully lie down on a special exercise mat.

  • Lie on your back, then place your intertwined hands at the back of your neck so that your elbows are facing outward.
  • Then raise your left knee first, then your right knee so that they form a right angle with your leg at the hip.
  • First step: turn the top of your trunk so that your right elbow approaches your left knee.
  • Second step: then perform the same action with the right leg.
  • The action of both legs counts as one repetition. You should perform at least three sets of twelve repetitions each.

4. Reverse contractions

Strengthen the abdominals with reverse contractions.

A very easy and comfortable exercise to do, especially for women. In this exercise, you will be able to work the lower abdominal muscles and the oblique muscles.

  • To do this, you must lie on your back on a comfortable surface such as an exercise mat. The palms of your hands should be outstretched and touch the floor completely.
  • Now, by contracting your abdominal muscles, you need to lift your legs so that they are higher than your hips, forming a right angle with your whole body.

The legs should not be bent or spread apart during the exercise.

  • To lift your hips off the ground, you need to contract your lower abdominal muscles.
  • After lifting your legs, hold the position for at least three seconds and slowly return to the starting position. You should perform a minimum of eight repetitions.

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