An Environmentally Friendly Way To Clean Stainless Steel

Did you know that to clean stainless steel items you can use natural ingredients. Do you have these items in your home? Find out how to clean stainless steel without exposing your health to harmful industrial chemicals.

It is not absolutely necessary to use products of industrial origin to clean stainless steel. Although these products are generally effective, there are also environmentally friendly alternatives that give very interesting results. Do your stainless steel items look opaque? Find out how to clean them.

Stainless steel is a tough material that generally stays in good condition over the years. However, that doesn’t prevent it from looking dull and dirty when not cared for properly. Here is an easy way to polish stainless steel.

Why is it important to clean stainless steel?

Clean stainless steel.

Before discovering our environmentally friendly method of cleaning stainless steel, it is worth remembering why it is important to spend some time cleaning and maintaining this material. It is often present in the kitchen because it is very resistant to heat and corrosion.

In addition, unlike other types of metal, it is particularly durable. Stainless steel does not rust easily on contact with moisture and generally does not develop stains. The only problem is that it can deteriorate considerably when its surface becomes covered with grease, dust and other dirt.

When this happens, the chromium in stainless steel can no longer react optimally with the oxygen in the air. This then prevents the formation of this layer which protects it against rust. Therefore, when not treated properly, the material is vulnerable to corrosion and wear.

What can we do to avoid such a situation? How to better maintain stainless steel objects? We suggest you apply a simple technique that allows you to clean and polish trays, sinks, hoods, refrigerators or even worktops made of this material.

An ecological method for cleaning stainless steel

Clean a stainless steel sink.

Today, many products are available to restore shine to stainless steel accessories. However, due to the need to reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment, some choose to use more environmentally friendly solutions.

The good news is that there are natural ingredients for cleaning stainless steel that are inexpensive and work well. You can also use them on all kinds of utensils and surfaces. So, why not try them out at home? Note the following.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (15 g)
  • Liquid soap (if necessary)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Cotton cloth or smooth towel


  • To clean stainless steel, you will first use beeswax. Rub it on the surface to be treated and allow the wax to solidify.
  • Then sprinkle it with a tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • Then rub vigorously with the cotton cloth or towel. At this point you will start to notice that the stainless steel is regaining its shine.
  • However, to make it completely clean, you will need to rinse it using a soapy solution.
  • Mix the liquid soap with a little water and spray it on.
  • Then rub the fabric again and rinse it. Avoid using scouring sponges and soap powders, as they can scratch the material.
  • Dry with a clean cloth and finally rub with a damp cloth soaked in lemon juice. This ingredient is the final supplement that helps leave stainless steel objects like new.
  • Of course, to keep stainless steel in top condition, you need to repeat this cleaning process every 2-3 weeks.

Some other recommendations

A woman cleaning her kitchen.

In addition to using this homemade stainless steel cleaner regularly, it is important to implement other basic principles to keep stainless steel items in peak condition. So take note of the following:

  • Clean your stainless steel furniture and utensils regularly with hot water and a soft cloth. Also be sure to use a dry towel to remove excess water.
  • Always clean in the direction of the chrome enamel. This helps prevent stains and premature wear of the material.
  • If the utensils have grease or food residue, apply a little liquid soap diluted in hot water.
  • If the surfaces have fingerprints or dust spots, spray them with a little glass cleaner mixed with water and wipe off the excess with a soft cloth. They will then be like new!

Have you ever tried this method of cleaning stainless steel in your home? Take note, so collect the necessary products now and see for yourself the usefulness of this ecological product.

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