Prepare A Natural Sore Throat Spray

It is very important that the ingredients you are going to use are from organic farming and that they are of high quality. Thus, you will benefit from all their virtues, and your remedy will be even more effective.

Some people regularly experience sore throat, pain, inflammation, infection, phlegm, or aphonia.

We must learn to take care of our throat and protect it from all the elements that can damage it. Like tobacco, cold drinks, too much talking or singing without the proper technique, temperatures that are too cool, etc.

In this article, we will suggest that you make your own natural spray at home, to prevent and treat the symptoms of sore throats, in order to prevent them from becoming chronic.

What does this throat spray consist of?

This remedy can be made at home, by mixing the following ingredients:

  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)
  • The peel of half a lemon from organic farming.
  • 50 drops of propolis.
  • 1 level tablespoon ground cinnamon (10g)
  • A level tablespoon of powdered ginger (10 g)
  • A tablespoon of pure bee honey (25 g)

What are the virtues of these ingredients?

The ingredients selected to prepare this healing spray work in different ways on our throat, as they fight all the symptoms listed in the introduction:

  • The spray acts as a natural antibiotic and prevents infections.
  • It helps relieve inflammation in the throat and vocal cords, as well as the oral cavity.
  • Increases the body’s natural defenses.
  • Provides heat to prevent the cold from causing too much damage.
  • Calms the pains.
  • Hydrates the throat and optimizes its functions.
  • It helps to facilitate the expulsion of accumulated phlegm.

In this way, you will enjoy many benefits, while avoiding the classic side effects that conventional drugs can cause.

Lemon peel for sore throat

The peel of this citrus fruit is much more powerful than its juice, or its pulp. 

However, you must make sure that the lemon you are going to use is indeed from organic farming, and that it does not contain pesticides, or toxic substances, which could harm you.

Lemon peel is very rich in vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant, depurative, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory substance.

When using eco-friendly lemon juice, you can grate the rind and freeze it for later use, especially in this recipe.

In this way, you will keep its properties intact, and you will always have some on hand to cook or to elaborate your remedies.


On par with garlic, propolis is the best natural antibiotic. Resulting from the work of bees, it is very effective if you follow the treatment consistently.

It helps both prevent and cure diseases related to the throat.

Propolis is also an excellent antiseptic, which will help you calm your sore throat.

Cinnamon and ginger

These two spices stimulate the body’s natural functioning, and provide it with heat,  both globally and locally.

Cinnamon and ginger will also help you remove the accumulated phlegm.

When you consume it, you may notice their effects on the body, which will activate to expel phlegm from the throat.

  • Choose a quality cinnamon, such as Ceylon cinnamon, which has the most properties and the most delicate aroma.
  • You can opt for fresh, powdered, or dried ginger. Fresh ginger is more aromatic and beneficial.

Bee honey for sore throat

Honey is a medicinal food, with antibacterial and expectorant properties.

It is essential to choose a pure and raw honey, because subjecting this ingredient to too high temperatures deprives it of many qualities.

This process is recurrent in the food industry, as it keeps the honey liquid. So look for a rather hard honey on the shelves of your store.

To make it more liquid, you will put it in a bain-marie, a heating method that is not at all detrimental to the food.

How to develop it?

  • Mix the hot water with the lemon peel, cinnamon and ginger.
  • Let sit for 10 minutes, until the water is lukewarm, then strain the contents.
  • Add honey and propolis.
  • Keep this preparation in a bottle with spray, but especially not in the refrigerator, so as not to chill it.

Honey, propolis and lemon will act as natural preservatives. However, you must consume this mixture within ten days maximum.

How to consume it?

Spray this remedy, mouth open, towards the back of your throat.

You can apply it three times a day, without food, or every hour if you are going through an acute phase of illness.

You may feel a little burning in the back of your throat, especially if you have an infection.

We remind you that it is important to consult a doctor or a naturopath before carrying out natural treatments, especially if you suffer from serious illnesses, or if you are undergoing medical treatment.

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