7 Makeup Secrets To Be Dazzling

Below we will give you the 7 makeup secrets to be dazzling and to keep your products in perfect condition.

To know makeup secrets and put them into practice you don’t have to be a professional. We know how important it is for you to be well dressed, with hair and make-up.

Presence is an important thing these days in every activity we do. Another important factor is the time you have available. If you have little, you have to know how to take advantage of it.

Without having to spend hours putting on makeup in the bathroom, this routine can become very simple. With little effort, you will be fresh and radiant, staying yourself thanks to the secrets we are going to give you.

7 makeup secrets to be dazzling

1. The perfect touch of illuminator

Blush is the makeup that we put on our cheeks to bring a touch of color to our face. A lot of times we put on too much and, in trying to tone it down, we may just spread the makeup on.

To avoid this, you have to know how to apply a little illuminator on the cheekbone, where the blush begins. It’s just a touch of light that will accentuate the bone structure and create a much better effect.

How to place the illuminator:

  • Do not put too much powder on the brush, it is better to apply several layers of product, than to have to remove the excess. Often times we will have to wash our face and start all over again.
  • When you apply the blush, do it just below your cheekbone line. Without putting any powder back on your brush, spread the product in light circular strokes. To make your cheekbones stand out, you can hollow out your cheeks, as if you were drinking through a straw.
  • Once you have applied the blush, then apply a light stroke of illuminator to the cheekbone line. This is a small touch of light and we need to avoid it looking like a line that is too white or too loaded.
  • Using a brush a little thinner than that of the blush, spread the line of illuminator a little so that it reaches the hairline.

2. Applying mascara without staining the skin

Eyelash makeup secrets

The eyelashes are the easiest part to make up but also the most visible of the face.  However, applying mascara can be complicated for many people.

Mainly because they do not know how to distribute the product correctly. In addition, the result is often too thick or too heavy. On the other hand, it may be difficult for you not to stain your skin while applying mascara. To help you out, here is one of the professional makeup secrets:

  • Take a clean, dry spoon.
  • When you apply the mascara to the upper part, place the spoon on your eyelid. In this way it will act as a protective shield that will prevent staining your skin.

3. Perfect eyeliner line

This makeup tip will help us achieve the perfect liner we crave. Cat’s eye, Egyptian look, or casual, no style will resist us.

For this you need a small piece of scotch tape. Some people also use a small ruler. But the most popular trick is scotch tape, which you need to place like this:

  • Place the tape along the lower lashes.
  • With the eyeliner follow the makeup line.
  • Carefully remove the tape. And that’s all ! You will have a perfect eyeliner line.

4. How to make lipstick last longer

the secrets of makeup with lipstick

To make the lipstick last longer, you will need a piece of toilet paper, a brush, and some clear compact powder.

It is this product that will keep your lipstick longer and that it stays in place, without the color escaping through the corners of the lips.

Steps to follow

  • Moisturize your lips with a little balm, petroleum jelly or moisturizer.
  • Draw the outer line of your lips and then make up them in the color of your choice.
  • Place a piece of toilet paper on it to absorb the excess product a bit.
  • Using the brush, apply a touch of compact powder to the lips. This will help you to fix the product.
  • BE CAREFUL: this is one of the secrets of makeup that has a double effect and you have to be careful. By applying a little compact powder, the lipstick takes on a somewhat matte tone. If you like, so much the better. But if you want to keep the shine, you have to be careful.

5. False eyelash effect

If you want to achieve a false lash effect, but not using any, this trick is for you. As we know, false eyelashes are pretty and make a dreamy look.

The beauty secret that we are going to reveal to you will help you give your lashes more volume, as if you had false lashes.

Steps to follow

  • Apply a thin layer of mascara.
  • Add a touch of compact powder (when they are still wet).
  • Apply another coat of mascara. That’s all !

6. How to recover eye shadows

Makeup secrets: eye shadows

Eye shadows can have very bright colors initially and then over time lose their vibrancy. They may also have a different color in their container and on your eyelid.

Among the makeup secrets, this one is undoubtedly one of the most useful. It consists in first applying a layer of white shadow on the eyelid then, the colored shadow.

Although it seems hard to believe, this white base will bring that touch of life your shadow was lacking!

7. Fixing lacquer spray

Once you are done with your makeup, you realize that everything like powder, base, and more generally anything you’ve applied, has built up on your skin and made it look dried out or cardboard.

Don’t give up hope, here is one of the professional makeup secrets that will help you out. Distribute a little spray fixative or hairspray at the end of your makeup. This will have several functions:

  • The spray allows makeup to stay on for longer.
  • It restores a natural appearance to the face.
  • The hairspray will bring light, without bringing too much shine to the face.
  • You will find the natural texture of your face.

There you go, you now know all the makeup secrets!

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