Quarantine: Some Tips For The Elderly

The elderly need more support than ever in this time of a pandemic. They are the ones who run the greatest risk from COVID-19 and they are therefore also those who must apply prevention measures even more strictly. Nonetheless, this time frame can be enjoyable if the right decisions are made.

Older people around the world have certainly felt a heavy load of stress over the past few weeks. No one was prepared to face such drastic measures as quarantine. A situation which completely changes our daily life and which limits our possibilities of action.

The elderly and those who suffer from any disease are the people most at risk of COVID-19 and they are also those for whom the psychological burden is heavier. These population groups must adhere even more strictly to the restrictions. The first of these: do not leave your home.

This measure is not subject to discussion; staying at home is a fundamental measure to protect our life and especially that of the elderly. Nevertheless, this measure can be a source of anxiety if we do not manage to manage it well. It is not easy to stay locked in your home day in and day out. But by showing will, it is possible to live well in this situation of social isolation. Discover without further delay in the rest of this article some tips to better cope with this difficult situation.

Reducing risk exposure in quarantine: a crucial measure for the elderly

All the available scientific evidence as well as the experience of several countries around the world indicates that the most effective measure to stop the spread of the virus is isolation. Avoiding contact with others is important for everyone, but even more important for the elderly.

So, the number one reason to view this situation in a positive light is this: There is a way to prevent contamination and the spread of the virus, and that’s a great thing. The elderly must therefore cling to this reason, because this measure is their passport to continue to enjoy life and to be present in the lives of the people who love them and who need them.

Remember that this is a temporary situation

Quarantine is a temporary measure that serves to stop the spread of the virus, more specifically to slow the rate at which the virus is spreading and thus make the situation more controllable. Social isolation is temporary. The more of us who respect preventive measures, the sooner this crisis will end.

On days when the isolation weighs more psychologically, it is advisable to reassure yourself by remembering that this is a temporary situation that will only last two or three months. So, the best thing to do is to prepare yourself mentally to take advantage of this time in the best possible way. Soon this situation will be just a memory of a different experience.

Elderly people must adhere to quarantine even more strictly

The elderly and the use of time

It is good to plan a routine to suit the new situation. When we spend our days at home, we are quickly tempted to let go. We must prevent this from happening. For this reason, it is advisable to organize your time with activities.

The ideal is to maintain your sleeping and eating schedules. Get up in the morning, shower, get ready for a new day at home! Avoid giving in to the temptation to spend your days in your pajamas zapping in front of the TV.

What to do during quarantine?

A woman reading a book in her forties

There are many answers to this question, but generally speaking, it can be said that it depends on individual tastes, interests and passions. Start by making a list of outstanding activities that you have not yet completed due to lack of time. For example: tidy up your cupboard, or your books, or finish a task in the household …

Whenever possible, this quarantine period can also be a good time to explore those passions that we sometimes leave out of our normal routine. For example: writing, painting or gardening. Also, keeping a journal in which you write down all the details of your experience can help you organize your ideas and produce catharsis.

Stay in virtual contact with others

It is important for older people to keep in touch with relatives and friends. Staying at home doesn’t mean cutting ties with others. Fortunately, these days we can count on excellent means of communication such as the telephone and the Internet.

This quarantine situation can, for example, be an opportunity to explore a little more the technological devices with which it is possible to be in contact with others. Reaching out to people around you to ask them how they are doing is a good thing to do. You can even form a group with your loved ones to be in touch every day and help each other out when needed.

It is also important to keep abreast of developments via radio, online newspapers or television. Every day of social isolation is a success: the likelihood of getting out of it and moving forward increases.

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