A Father’s Love For His Son Who Was Operated On For Cancer

After his cancer operation, little Gabriel left a scar on his head which made him ashamed and prevented him from normally go out into the street.

Gabriel Marshall is an 8 year old who is now sure of two things: he has the best father in the world and life still has a lot to offer him after his cancer.

He is a courageous child, loved unconditionally by his family, who managed to overcome brain cancer that left him with a large scar on his head, of which he was ashamed.

If Gabriel has been around the world in recent weeks, it is for a reason as beautiful as it is full of hope.

A few months ago Father’s Day was celebrated around the world and his, Josh Marshall, decided to do something special.

Gabriel indeed wears an imposing scar on his shaved head. She constantly reminds him of his illness, which he has however partially conquered.

This scar took away all joy of living. Her father then decided to get the same tattoo, with the same shape and color. He thus simulated the same injury, with a very specific objective: to restore strength to his child.

We will tell you their story.

The beautiful example of a father who loves his son

All parents love their children above all else. If there is one thing we all want to avoid in our lives, it is that our children get seriously ill, for example from cancer.

According to recent statistics, the chances of survival of a child with cancer between the ages of 4 and 18 are 80%.

It is a number that brings a smile back. However, this does not mask the fact that all of these children have to suffer tremendously to fight their disease.

They have to undergo highly invasive operations and treatments.

Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with cancer last year and the news was devastating: he was suffering from a very rare brain cancer called anaplastic astrocytoma.

It is a malignant tumor of the central nervous system that usually appears in adult males.

Even if his vital prognosis was engaged, his young age allowed him to have good prospects of survival in the face of his disease.

His family never stopped believing for a moment in his ability to overcome this terrible fate.

Cancer in an 8-year-old

When a child suffers from such a pathology, it is difficult for him to realize all that it entails.

His life takes a drastic turn, all his habits to the school, his games, his days spent at home, and daily life is disrupted by hospital visits, injections, tests and fear.

But the biggest difficulty is undergoing major physical changes at such a young age, due to the treatments to overcome the disease.

Indeed, treatments like chemotherapy do not only cause cancer patients to lose their hair.

Their faces are refined, they lose weight, their expression changes and fatigue eventually becomes a constant in their existence.

Gabriel had to undergo a delicate procedure during which the doctors removed a large part of his tumor.
The operation was complicated, as they could not completely remove all of the ramifications of the astrocytoma.

However, the doctors were optimistic. The disease was stable and the cancer inactive. Good news that filled the little boy’s family with joy.

The trauma of cancer

The main problem is that Gabriel had totally lost confidence in him. Every time he looked at himself in the mirror, he could only see his scar.

His large inflamed scar starts from his ear to form a large curved line, like a mark present to remind him of where his illness was.

The child had lost his zest for life. Indeed, he no longer wanted to leave his home, go back to school or play in the park. His gaze could only see this large scar.

Josh Marshall is Gabriel’s father. This 28-year-old, optimistic and courageous, has never stopped supporting his child, even for a second.

Even though life has been unfair to them, he knew how to keep in mind that the important thing is to never lose hope and to maintain a good attitude in the face of negative life events.

All’s well That ends well

Josh quickly realized that the doctors had done their part of the job by removing the tumor that was invading his son’s brain.

He now had to do his own by restoring his child’s confidence. He now had to convey his energy and optimism to her.

Father’s Day was the occasion of a big surprise for Gabriel. His father had shaved his head completely and got a tattoo that exactly mimicked his son’s scar.

Now they are equal. Since then, the child can leave home again and has new strengths.

He is no longer ashamed, because his father is by his side, with the same scar, the same mark.

They are two strong beings who can face any circumstance in life together.

We wish little Gabriel a lot of courage, whose state of health has been stable for more than 9 months.

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