7 Natural Remedies To Cure Lumbago

Low back pain tends to go away after 3 to 7 days. Exercise greatly helps relieve back pain and reduces the frequency of problems in this part of the body.

Lumbago or back pain is pain in the lumbar vertebrae, that is to say in the lower back. This pain  affects the muscles, ligaments, nerves and intervertebral discs. 

Lumbago attacks are characterized by severe pain, stiffness and / or decreased movement. This phenomenon usually lasts for a few days, but sometimes it turns into a chronic illness.

The quality of life of those affected is severely affected.   Several factors can be at the origin of this pain in the lower back. The most common factors are:

  • muscle tension and compensations
  • deviations of the spine (lordosis, scoliosis)
  • kidney disease
  • herniated disc 
  • arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • stress and emotional overload
  • constipation and bowel problems

Very important: if after three days your condition does not improve, see a doctor quickly. It can be a much more serious illness. The doctor will be able to confirm if it is a lumbago thanks to scans or MRI.

Discover here 7 natural remedies to relieve and prevent lumbago. 

1. An anti-inflammatory diet helps relieve lumbago

When one suffers from a lumbago crisis, it becomes essential to adopt a balanced diet. Foods that worsen inflammation should be avoided: dairy products, white sugar, red meat and refined flour.

Replace these foods with foods that help reduce inflammation. Here are a few :

  • natural fruit and vegetable juice (carrot, beetroot, celery, etc.)
  • Red bell pepper
  • chia seeds
  • nuts
  • green tea
  • ginger
  • pineapple
  • papaya
  • broccoli

2. Local heat

The lower back is an area of ​​the body that gets cold easily. We can therefore warm it up with an electric blanket. You can also use a hot water bottle and  cover this part of the body with woolen clothes.

Another option is to apply a jet of hot water directly to the lower back.  It is then necessary to gradually increase the temperature until reaching the hottest temperature bearable for you. Don’t get burned! This technique will be all the more effective in a seated position.

Warning: do not use this remedy if you have sciatica or a hernia.

3. Medicinal plants

Horsetail and sarsaparilla are herbal remedies that help reduce inflammation and mineralize and cleanse the body.

We advise you to prepare one liter of herbal infusion mentioned every day. You can add a little lemon juice and a little stevia to sweeten the infusion. Drink this drink throughout the day.

4. Clay poultices

Clay is an excellent remedy. Economical and simple, clay can treat any type of inflammation. It absorbs toxins and supplies the body with a good amount of minerals.

Prepare a poultice by mixing hot water with green clay or red clay. You should get a compact paste that can be applied without running.

Once applied, cover the paste with a cloth and leave it on for at least half an hour. You can also let it sit overnight.

5. Arnica

Arnica helps relieve lumbago

Arnica is a plant used to prevent and treat sports injuries. You can find it as an extract, ointment, or capsules. You can perfectly combine its topical use with oral use.

If you go for the homeopathic remedy in capsule form, it is Arnica Montana 9 CH. Take three capsules under the tongue three times a day. Remember to separate their consumption from meals and drinks as well as strong and minty flavors (chewing gum, toothpaste, etc.).

6. Rosemary vinegar

Rosemary helps relieve lumbago

Rosemary improves  circulation. So doing massages with rosemary vinegar can be very useful to us.

Leave to macerate a few sprigs of rosemary in a glass bottle filled with vinegar.

7. Therapies with cupping or cupping

This technique is an ancient therapeutic method used in traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of using small glass cups that stick to the body. These cups suck the skin and part of the muscles, which opens the pores while improving blood and lymph circulation.

In 10 or 15 minutes, the area is less inflamed and the pain is relieved. You can see a therapist for this treatment, but you can also buy a set of cupping to do it yourself.

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