Strengthen Your Injured Knees With These 5 Exercises

Injured knees should be handled with great care as wrong movement can make the situation worse. It is therefore necessary to adapt each activity to the specific possibilities of each one.

Your knees are complex joints that are prone to injury due to the multiple movements they have to perform with each activity.

They are made up of delicate cartilages, muscles and bones which, together with other small parts, give them the ability to support the weight of the rest of the body.

Any problem that affects their functioning tends to reduce the quality of life, not only because it causes severe pain, but also because it limits the ability to walk.

The problem is, they are very delicate and although many people ignore it, they can deteriorate with age, excess weight and certain activities with high physical impact.

However, there are certain strengthening exercises that help to improve their health, even when one has suffered from trauma.

In this article, we want to share with you the 5 best exercises in detail, so that you can start practicing them as soon as you feel pain.

1. Hip flexion with the knee straight

Bends for your knees.

Hip flexion with the knee straight is a strengthening exercise that helps repair injured muscles and ligaments.

Even though her work focuses on the hip, she contributes to the recovery of the knee.

How to do ?

  • Lie on your back on an exercise mat, with one knee bent and your foot resting on the floor.
  • Fully stretch the leg you are going to work on and then lift it up to the height of the knee that is bent.
  • Hold for 3 seconds in the air and return to the starting position with a gentle movement.
  • Do 8 repetitions with each leg.

2. Hip side elevations

Lateral hip elevation is an activity that works the abductors and adductors, but also the muscles around the knees.

This exercise decreases the stiffness of his joints and helps speed up his recovery from blows and pain.

How to do ?

  • Lie on your side on a floor mat, with the bottom leg bent and the top leg fully extended.
  • Support yourself on the floor with your hands, raise your hip a little, and go down and lower with the outstretched leg.
  • Do 8 reps on each side and do 3 sets.

3. Knee extension

Extensions for your knees.

Knee extension is a movement that restores the movement of the joints in the face of problems with muscle tension and minor injuries.

However, this exercise should not be done if you have difficulty bending and straightening your knee.

The exercise should be done slowly, both when going up and down, so that the quads work optimally.

How to do ?

  • Sit on a chair or firm surface, with your arms at your sides and your back straight.
  • Raise one of the legs until it is straight in the air, and hold for 3 seconds.
  • Bend the knee so that the leg comes back to the floor, and return to the starting position with a slow motion.
  • Do 8-10 repetitions with each leg, and complete 3 sets.

4. Knee extensions while lying down

Knee extensions while lying down can be performed on a bed or exercise mat.

At the back of the knees, you can put a cushion or a folded towel to cause bending effortlessly.

How to do ?

  • Lie down on the desired area, with one leg extended and the other on the cushion.
  • Put your hands at the sides of your body and make sure you keep your back straight.
  • Then, straighten the knee that is on the fulcrum.
  • Make slow movements and come back to the floor.
  • Repeat 8-10 times with each leg, and do 3 sets.

5. Bends against the wall for your knees

Bends for your knees.

Wall curls are an effective way to work the quads, knees and buttocks.

They should be performed daily and with caution especially if there is trauma to the joints, as improper movement can also worsen the condition.

How to do ?

  • Lean your back against the wall, making sure to keep it straight and firm.
  • Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and, without the knees going beyond the feet, lower your hips.
  • Keep your arms at the sides of your body and straighten them forward for better balance.
  • Come back to the top and do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Performing these exercises daily can also boost the treatment of injured or sore knees.

However, each of these should be done with care as inappropriate movements can be counterproductive.

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