15 Non-food Tips For Losing Weight

Eating a healthy diet is essential for weight loss, but following a few non-food tips and tricks will also help you lose weight.

Here are some tips for losing weight beyond dieting. This way, you won’t have to follow a certain diet to lose weight.

1. Drink water frequently

Especially before meals, drinking a good amount of water will allow us to speed up our metabolism for a period of one hour to one and a half hours. In addition, it will allow us to maintain good hydration.

2. Eat eggs for breakfast

Including eggs in breakfast, replacing cereals or cookies with high sugar content, will allow us to increase the feeling of fullness during the next hours of our day.

In addition, eggs will provide us with a good amount of protein, the properties of which will contribute to more effective weight loss.

to lose weight eat eggs

3. Drink black coffee

Coffee has often been the subject of controversy over its true nutritional qualities. However, it is undeniably packed with antioxidants. With these nutrients, we will be able to speed up our metabolism, resulting in greater elimination of fat.

4. Drink green tea

Green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, but also powerful antioxidants called catechins, which work synergistically with caffeine to enhance the fat burning effect.

5. Cooking with coconut oil

Coconut oil is very healthy. It is rich in medium chain triglycerides, which metabolize differently from other fats.

However, the idea is not to add it to something that has already been cooked in the traditional way, but to replace some of the fats that are commonly used in cooking with coconut oil.

6. Eat less added sugars

If you want to lose weight, you need to reduce your intake of added sugar. So be sure to read food labels carefully, as many so-called healthy products are sometimes full of sugar.

7. Eat less refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are usually sugars or grains that have been stripped of their fibrous and nutritious parts. This type of carbohydrate increases the level of sugar in the blood, resulting in a feeling of hunger as intense as the urge to smoke.

8. Use smaller plates

While it may seem impossible at first glance, using smaller dishes often automatically results in decreased food intake. This means better control over the amount of food and a lower calorie intake.

to lose weight eat salads

9. Have more healthy foods on hand

Often times when we are hungry between meals, we turn to the first thing we have on hand. In this way, we tend to satisfy our sudden appetite with unhealthy foods.

However, having products such as fruit or granola bars to eat in the middle of the morning or afternoon will allow us to reduce this excess calorie intake and lose weight beyond our diet.

10. Brush your teeth right after dinner

It is strongly recommended that you brush your teeth right after dinner, as this will prevent the temptation to eat more and help us control our appetite and feelings of fullness.

11. Increase the use of spices in dishes

Some spices, like cayenne pepper, contain components that allow us to speed up our metabolism. On the other hand, the powerful taste of a lot of spices makes us feel fuller with less food.

12. Lifting dumbbells to lose weight

One of the bad side effects of diets is that they tend to promote muscle loss and slow down metabolism. The best way to avoid this is to do some kind of endurance exercise, like lifting dumbbells. It can keep your metabolism up to speed and prevent loss of muscle mass.

13. Chew more slowly

It often takes a while for the brain to realize that it has eaten enough. So getting used to chewing more slowly will help you consume fewer calories by making your brain feel full faster.

lose weight by chewing slowly

14. Avoid sugary drinks

To significantly reduce unnecessary calorie consumption, it is best to avoid products such as soft drinks or juices with added sugars. These drinks are not recommended for health, due to their high calorie content and low nutritional value.

15. Eat more protein

A high protein intake, especially in the morning, helps our metabolism to speed up over the next few hours. This will help you burn more calories with your BMR and help you lose weight beyond dieting.

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