Happiness Comes From Our Inner Life, Not From The People Who Are By Our Side

To achieve happiness, we must be at peace with ourselves. It is only from this moment that we can be in tune with our existence.

Happiness can be built in different ways. Whether alone or alongside someone we love, that positive and rewarding emotion always comes from the same place: Happiness comes from within.

For this reason, we must keep one thing unchangeable in mind. It is great to be with someone we love. And we may even think that we have the best partner in the world.

But if we are not in tune with ourselves, we can never achieve complete happiness. Because the well-being, the balance and the joy are states which always arise in our interior life.

Peace only comes to us if we accept who we are. And that we take the path to happiness with a light heart, whether we are alone or accompanied.

We invite you, in the rest of this article, to reflect on this subject.

Inner happiness is a long way

In recent decades, the theme of personal development and the quest for happiness has become more and more fashionable in bookstores and in all media, as an echo of the troubled times we are living in.

Without a doubt, the more our society advances and the more technology develops, the more we are looking for something to fill the inner void that we feel.

It is clear that we are all a world in our own right. And that we all have our inner universes in which we try to be happy.

But sometimes we have the feeling that we will never manage to achieve the total happiness that we are so often told about.

In this regard, a Spanish book can teach us a lot on this subject. It is about “ Being happy in Alaska ” by Rafael Santandreu, a Barcelona psychologist.

Starting from cognitive psychology, this book helps us in a fun and practical way to face complex situations such as stress, depression and anxiety.

A present without fear

Happiness is, above all, the absence of fear.

Even if this emotion has an undeniable utility in the evolution of our species, the one that pushes us to avoid doing anything our brain considers dangerous, fear can take on a little more subtle dimensions, and not always useful.

  • Solitude.
  • To be loved as much as we love.
  • Achieve the goals we set for ourselves.
  • Be the person others expect of us.
  • Whether things change or they don’t.
  • Losing some things, some people.

All of these situations are not foreign to you. But the first step on the path to our inner happiness is to rationalize our fear, to understand it, and to minimize it.

To achieve this, we must at all costs strengthen our self-esteem, while not being too clinging to things or people.

Learn to walk more lightly

Walking more lightly does not mean that we should no longer have anyone by our side on our way, on the contrary.

Nothing is more beautiful than holding hands with our family members, our partner, our friends who are anchored deep in our hearts.

  • These life companions should allow us to walk more lightly. Those who like to remind us of our most difficult failures. Those who want to guide our every step. And those who mark our path do not allow us to promote our personal development and our happiness.
  • To walk more lightly is to know how to put aside what hurts us.  Which affects our self-esteem and our identity.
  • Moving forward means knowing what our priorities are. It is a reflection exercise that we invite you to carry out today.

Once we realize what is most important to us, it becomes easy to fight for it. Everything else becomes secondary.

Self-love is a relationship that should last a lifetime

Happiness is a state that comes and goes, we all know that.

We also understand that the main thing is to have inner happiness. In which our thoughts are in harmony with our emotions and with all the actions we take on a daily basis.

  • This perfect mechanism in which our mind and our emotions move hand in hand, like the peaceful creators of our reality, is essential for a fundamental psychological construction: self-love.
  • Self-love is that fabulous bond that unites us to ourselves and to no one else. Others don’t have the power to tell you how happy you should be, and you shouldn’t give in to their every whim.
  • We must strive daily for our own well-being, making use of our self-esteem.

When a person is good with themselves, they dispel their fears. It fills its horizon with new objectives. Inner happiness will accompany him and help him embrace all aspects of his existence.

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