How Do You Repel Insects From Your Home Without Using Poisons?

Herbs are a simple and effective way to scare away insects. You just need to have several pots with different herbs. In addition, they diffuse a pleasant smell in the house.

You surely remember, when you were a child, that your grandmothers and mothers eliminated insects with natural products.

While some families love chemicals, others have carried on the traditions of warding off flies and mosquitoes with plants and other items found in the pantry.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to repel insects without using toxic products.

General remedies to repel insects

These natural methods are used to scare away different species of insects without using chemicals, which can be harmful to health.

In addition, the house is filled with delicious aromas. Here are the best options:

Pyrethrum and chrysanthemum

This plant is used to repel ants, cicadas, mites and aphids.

They are grown around vegetable gardens and in fields to prevent these little animals from eating the crops. 

You can use it as a natural repellant in your garden.

The matricarians

They are used for mosquitoes and flies.

To increase their effect, it is recommended to mix them with lavender or lemongrass.

Plant it at the entrance to your house, especially near doors and windows. 

You can also put a small branch in your home too.

The Basilic

It can be cool or dry. It is used to scare away mosquitoes and flies, and it smells delicious in the kitchen.

You can also cook your meals with it!


This pleasant-smelling flower is unbearable for mosquitoes, flies, fleas and moths.

If you don’t have lavender in your home, you can buy a branch and hang it up to dry and repel bugs.

Plant it in your garden too! (she needs a lot of sun).


It is well known for its effects against mosquitoes and flies. The plant is also used in gastronomy and has an exquisite smell.

You can sow it in an area that gets a lot of sun or put a small branch in your home. 

Lemon thyme

From the moment it is in a very sunny place, it repels all types of insects.

If you want to scare away mosquitoes, for example, you can cut a few thyme leaves and rub them on your arms and neck. 

Do a test beforehand to check that your skin is not irritated or reddened.


It is mainly used to eliminate mosquitoes naturally. You can put a branch in the kitchen or dry it and leave it on the table when you eat outside.

You can also crush a handful of rosemary leaves and rub it against the skin.

Natural remedies to eliminate cockroaches

No doubt these are the most hated insects on the planet. They come out all over the place, are in the kitchen and some can even fly.

Studies claim that cockroaches can survive a nuclear explosion, so nothing seems to be able to stop them. However, you will be surprised to learn that this is not true.

Boric acid is the best solution to this problem today. This is an easy to obtain and fairly affordable product.

This antiseptic, which is used in homes, is also used to eliminate ants. You can get it in pharmacies and even in the supermarket.

Use small amounts and in suitable places, especially if you have children and pets.

In half a glass of water (100 ml), mix 2 tablespoons of boric acid (20 g). Soak a piece of bread in the mixture and put it in a place frequented by cockroaches.

You can also mix 3 scoops of boric acid for 1 scoop of sugar and sprinkle it in different places in the kitchen or bathroom (for example, in corners, cracks, behind furniture etc.).

Sugar is the bait to attract them and borax destroys them.

Natural remedies to eliminate flies

They are horrible, live in the trash and can transmit diseases.

Besides a big spring cleaning that avoids the dirt that attracts them, you can use some really effective home remedies.

Aromatic plants

Calendula or mint are used to scare away  flies if they are put near doors and windows.

You can use fresh or dry strands. They will also bring a rich scent to your home.

Essential oils

To make an anti-fly deodorant, you need a small container and a cotton cloth (an old sponge or gauze will do).

In a container, mix 20 drops of each of the following essential oils:

  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Mint
  • Lemongrass

Soak the piece of cotton and put it in the container. Cover and let sit for a day.

Find out in critical places. If you want it to last longer, you can cover it up when the flies are gone.

Apple vinegar

Not only by its penetrating smell, but also because it is associated with the asepsis of the place.

  • You need half a cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml) and 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  • Mix and pour into an atomizer.
  • Use on the areas you want. For example, on countertops before cooking or on the table when you serve the meal.

Herbal spray

This option is ideal for those who have several essential oils on hand.


  • A cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of alcohol (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of mint, lavender and lemongrass (20 g)


  • Make the decoction for 2 minutes, let cool and filter.
  • Pass in the atomizer and use where you want.
  • It can be used on the skin or any surface.

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