10 Remedies For Itchy Eyes

To reduce inflammation, it is very important to apply cold to the affected area. For best results, you can place the different remedies that we present to you in the refrigerator, or the freezer, before applying them to your eyes.

Itchy eyes that occur in our eyes can have different causes. However, they are usually a symptom of an allergy.

When faced with this problem, one of the first reactions is to rub our eyes with our fingers, as this gives us a momentary feeling of relief.

However, experts recommend avoiding acting in this manner. This is because it can worsen the problem that is causing that itchy feeling.

But then, what to do to fight against these terrible itchy eyes that occur in our eyes?

There are many natural remedies that can help us calm irritation or itchy eyes caused by allergies.

In this article, we are going to share with you the 10 most effective and easiest remedies to prepare.

The cold compress

Faced with the manifestation of itchy eyes, one of the first remedies to follow is to apply a compress lightly soaked in cold water. This gesture will indeed allow a momentary relief of the discomfort.

Then, after washing your eyes with cold water, you can wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cotton towel. Then place it on your closed eyelids to relieve the itchy eyes.

Cucumber slices

Cucumber slices for eye pain relief

This remedy helps reduce inflammation that can form under the eyes. However, it also has a calming action that relieves itching and allergies , two of the main causes of itchy eyes that occur in the eyes.

To do this, cut two slices of cucumber, then immerse them in a glass of ice water for 10 minutes.

When they are very cold, apply them on your closed eyelids, and leave them on for 5 minutes to relieve the itchy eyes. 

Tea bags

Thanks to its high content of bioflavonoids, tea helps fight viral and bacterial infections that can affect the eyes , and therefore cause conjunctivitis.

The tea bags have an anti-inflammatory action which helps reduce itchy eyes. They also help reduce bags under the eyes and dark circles.

To do this remedy, all you need to do is take a wet bag of green or black tea and then apply it to the affected eyes. Finally, let it act.

If the eye is very inflamed, repeat this treatment up to 4 times a day, and try to keep the tea bags ice cold.

Cold spoons

Metal spoons with a very cold temperature will help to contract the blood vessels. This will cause a decrease in the inflammation and redness present around the eyes.

As soon as you feel any discomfort in your eyes, dip two spoons in a glass of ice water. Let them soak for a few minutes, then apply them directly to your eyes. 

Once the spoons are lukewarm, apply more cold ones, which you will have previously prepared. Do this treatment for 10 minutes and your itchy eyes will go away.

Witch hazel

This medicinal plant, very common in North America, has astringent properties which have been used for decades to combat swelling in the eyes.

Prepare an infusion of witch hazel, immerse a small piece of cotton in it. Apply it for a few minutes on the eye affected by itchy eyes.

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice to treat itchy eyes

This plant has many uses. It can work as a natural remedy to reduce inflammation, but also to treat various other problems that affect the eyes.

Extract the gel from the aloe vera, then place it in the freezer until it cools completely.

When it is chilled, mix it with cool water. Dip a piece of cotton in the mixture and then place it on your closed eyelids.

Castor oil

Castor oil is an ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and irritation in the eyes. It also soothes the itching.

Buy 100% pure castor oil. With the help of a sterilized dropper, apply a drop in the eye affected by itchy eyes.

Sweet potato

It is an excellent remedy which has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Consequently, the potatoes will allow to refresh the eye and totally deflate it.

Grate a sweet potato, then place a few slices on the affected eye for several minutes.

You can also use this natural product in the form of a poultice. Leave it on the affected area for more than 15 minutes.

Coriander seed enema

Itchy eyes can also occur when the eyes dry out and lose their natural moisture.

To combat this problem and get immediate relief, dip a spoonful of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water. Let cool, filter, then wash your eyes with this liquid.



Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this ingredient is ideal for reducing eye inflammation. This is particularly the case when they are the cause of an infection.

Prepare a few eye drops, mixing a spoonful of powdered turmeric with two cups of water. Then apply these drops to the affected area.

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