9 Tips For Those Who Can’t Sleep On The Plane

Most people can’t sleep on the plane. Several factors affect rest. Here you will find some tips that can help you get to sleep.

Are you afraid of flying, or just don’t like flying and it keeps you awake? Note the following 9 tips to make it easier to rest on the plane.

1. Choose night flights

Whenever possible, choose night flights. If the flight schedule matches your normal sleep schedule, you will fall asleep more easily.

Another tip: the night before the trip, make sure you get a little less sleep by getting up 2-3 hours before your usual waking up, in order to be more tired the following night.

2. Traveling on a Tuesday or Wednesday is more comfortable on an airplane.

take the plane

If you have the option to choose the date of the flight, know that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days to fly. Usually, there are fewer people on the plane, and therefore more free space.

Conversely, many people book flights on a Friday or a public holiday.

3. The seat near the window is the best place 

If you are one of those who prefer the aisle seat, change your preference, as the best seat is the window seat. By sitting on a window seat, you can rest your head on the wall of the plane without anyone disturbing you.

It is also best to avoid the seats that are in the front of the plane. Although there is usually more room to straighten your legs, these seats are sometimes occupied by families with babies.

Also avoid seats near the toilet, as this is a bustle zone.

4. Recline your seat as far as possible on the plane.

Whenever possible, that is , making sure you do not disturb the person sitting behind you, recline your seat as far as possible.

In addition, be aware that sitting for several hours in a low seat with a 90 degree angle can cause pain in the waist.

Do not lower the tablet, and do not lean on the opposite seat, as this is bad for the neck and spine.

5. Wear comfortable clothes

It is essential to travel with comfortable clothing. If you wear clothes that restrict your movement, you will have a hard time falling asleep and you will not sleep well.

In addition, the temperature of the aircraft is a fact to be taken into account. Check to see if the airline offers blankets, and if not, take a jacket and warm socks with you, or even a thin blanket designed for this type of travel.

If you are cold, you will have a hard time getting to sleep.

6. Fasten your seat belt securely 

To sleep well, you need to be as comfortable as possible. If you fasten your belt over your clothes or over the blanket, you won’t be comfortable.

Also, if the plane is going through an area of ​​turbulence, the flight attendants will not need to wake you up if you are properly strapped in. So you will not notice anything.

7. Remember to bring accessories to sleep on the plane

You may find it easier to find sleep if you bring relevant accessories for sleeping. Take into account that, generally, what disturbs on board an airplane are the light and the noise. So, consider taking a sleep mask and earplugs.

Also remember to take a special airplane cushion so that your head is in a comfortable position. As an emergency measure, you can use a rolled-up sweater.

8. Turn off your electronic devices 

Avoid using electronic devices as much as possible. Stay away from movies, as the screen light keeps your brain active, making it harder for you to fall asleep. If you want to keep busy, the best thing to do is read.

9. Be careful what you eat and drink  in  the plane 

Pay attention to what you eat and drink on the plane. If you want to sleep, you shouldn’t overeat. When it comes to drinks, avoid soft drinks or coffee, and opt for water or tea without theine.

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