What Diet And Preparation To Adopt Before A Colonoscopy?

Below we present the diet and the steps you should follow before performing a colonoscopy. We guarantee you success!

A colonoscopy is a medical examination that is done with the intention of diagnosing and also treating various diseases that may be present in the colon, better known as the large intestine.

This procedure is performed using a device called a colonoscope. It is a flexible tube (about 150cm long) 1cm in diameter, with a small integrated camera. This device is inserted through the anus, and slides carefully throughout the large intestine, which allows:

  • See inside,  also exclude diseases
  • Allow treatment to be carried out
  • Perform diagnostic tests
  • Remove intestinal polyps
  • Remove tumors
  • Obtain biopsies

However, in order to perform it, this procedure requires a large intestine free from fecal residues, so it is necessary to carry out a prior preparation of at least 3 days based on diet and also laxatives.

Gentle diet and colonoscopy

the diet to adopt before a colonoscopy

The gentle diet is a type of diet used to eliminate problems related to the digestive system and also colon cancer, which include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • Dysfalgia
  • Surgeries in the jaw, mouth or digestive tract

Usually, when this type of diet is administered due to the upcoming performance of a colonoscopy, this diet acts as an excellent method of preparation, as it allows for simple, non-intrusive cleansing of the large intestine.

Some tips for a successful colonoscopy

When it comes to dieting, it is essential to:

  • Do not consume dairy products
  • Also completely eliminate cocoa consumption
  • Do not eat vegetables and fruits with seeds
  • Also avoid drugs that contain iron
  • Also avoid any type of dark, carbonated or colored drinks.
  • Do not eat dark or whole foods
  • Do not consume nuts, as well as berries or seeds

Three Day Gentle Diet Template For Colonoscopy

First day

In order not to affect the gastrointestinal system with such a drastic change in diet, we will start the mild diet at medium intensity:

  • Breakfast:  an omelet made with egg whites and mushrooms, accompanied by an infusion of mint and honey.
  • Snack:  homemade pear jelly.
  • Lunch:  chicken broth, apple puree with pear and lemonade.
  • Dinner:  double portion of light-colored gelatin.

Second day

On the second day stronger foods will be served but this will give good results in the release of fecal matter and the purification of the body.

  • Breakfast:  scrambled egg whites with two pieces of fat free ham, white bread and a cup of lime blossom with honey.
  • Mid-morning snack : lemonade or fruit juice.
  • Lunch:  breast broth with rice and salt.
  • Snack:  tea or chamomile.
  • Dinner:  baked cauliflower with hearts of palm.

Third day

Finally, along with the plan for the third day, the cleaning required for the colonoscopy will be provided.

  • Breakfast:  hard-boiled egg with white bread and a cup of oatmeal without milk.
  • Mid-morning  snack : pear jelly.
  • Lunch:  pasta with vegetables and lemonade.
  • Snack: squeezed orange juice.
  • Dinner:  hake cooked with asparagus and a piece of white bread.

The day of the colonoscopy

After the day of colonoscopy comes, it is necessary to take into account and apply the following instructions.

  • Do not drink liquid between 3 and 4 hours before the colonoscopy. Except during the times when you need to take medication prescribed by the doctor.
  • Keep the doctor informed about the soft diet and any illnesses, allergies, or side effects that may occur with any medication as well.
  • Likewise, it is important to make known any previous operation that has been performed, especially in the case of prostheses or diseases in the valves of the heart.
  • Read and sign the Informed Consent Form for Colonoscopic Large Intestine Examination.
  • Also be accompanied by a trusted person who may be responsible for your transfer to your residence after completing the exam. Keep in mind that the effects of pain relievers and sedatives can also extend for hours.

After colonoscopy

after colonoscopy

After a colonoscopy, doctors recommend that you continue on a gentle diet, at least 3 days, to help the body expel gas and feces over the next few days. This way, the digestive system is not affected by the procedure.

  • FACS. (Consulta 2018). Colonoscopy. Online [https://www.facs.org/~/media/files/education/patient%20ed/colonoscopia.ashx].
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Consulta 2018). COLORRECTAL CÁNCER. Online [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A1ncer_colorrectal].
  • American College of Surgeons. (2008). Colonoscopy. Facs . https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470986943

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