8 Keys To Living With High Sensitivity

What makes us special as human beings are the different traits we have, such as having high sensitivity. These in a way define the way we live and the personality we adopt in certain situations.

People with high sensitivity, for example, like the presence of one of them. If you are or live with someone like this, we leave you with some recommendations to make this fact easier.

PTS: Very sensitive people

The different aspects of great sensitivity.

People with high sensitivity are special in their own way, and their outlook on life is often very different from the rest of the general population.

They tend to be very observant and have the ability to analyze everything internally and then try to adapt it to their social environment. In addition, they are cautious and remain vigilant.

Turn it into a donation

Some people classify this type of person as having an introverted personality. However, the truth is that this feature is only a small percentage. Most of them are, in themselves, extroverts and passionate about everything they do.

This reason makes them live intensely, but they always remain vigilant. They are good listeners, observers, empathetic and aware of life.

They also tend to develop their creativity to high levels. As well as their perception, which makes them very sensitive.

There is no reason why extremely sensitive people feel out of place or be wrong. On the contrary, they must find a way to channel each of their traits well. In order to make the most of their abilities.

8 keys to living with great sensitivity

1. Just accept it

If you consider yourself to have some of the traits that we have mentioned, it is time for you to start accepting yourself.

Remember: you are not sick. On the contrary, you have a wonderful gift which, if you learn to master it, will make you stronger every day.

2. Observe yourself carefully

To start taking control of your uncertainties about what traits you have, complete a self-assessment.

No one better than you know how affected you feel under stress or euphoria, coupled with how you absorb and deal with all of these emotions.

3. Learn to say “no”

Try not to overwhelm your mind with a lot of information just by wanting to know more than others. Saying “no” can sometimes help you find time for yourself and to relax.

To be happy, it is essential that you learn to say “no”. People who don’t know how to do it end up living out what others want and doing things they don’t want. This is what leads to unhappiness.

4. Implement tips so as not to saturate yourself

How not to saturate when you have great sensitivity.

Relaxing your body, mind and soul with a healthy dose of exercise outdoors or in contact with nature is always a good option.

This way, you can reduce anxiety levels and regulate any sudden powerful stimuli you may be feeling.

5. Contact others

Human beings always seek to integrate into society in order to feel relatively “normal”.

It would be good to meet a group of people who have the same qualities as you. Thus, you can find someone who will serve as a support or guide to teach you his techniques and ways of life as well.

6. Find your pattern of sensitivity

Many of us rely on the people we admire. Whether it is recognized artists or someone for whom we feel a lot of love, because it makes us feel well identified. In short, it is about looking for a reference.

Find your role models or lean on the people who have left their mark on society by providing exceptional humanitarian aid with their talent.

7. Create your sacred space

People with high sensitivity should have their own space.

The very sensitive person can live perfectly well surrounded by many people. However, she is lonely and silent when she tends to get to know herself better and make the most of her abilities.

Therefore, don’t forget to take the time to explore yourself.

8. Art is therapy

Believe it or not, it is said that most of the artists in the world are very sensitive. Art is a channel through which you can discuss your conflicts, freely express your emotions using different languages.

You can even do it without having to reveal yourself too much or mo ins not directly. The important thing is that you feel comfortable.

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