14 Foods To Relieve Arthritis

To fight arthritis, we need to include in our daily diet foods that help us prevent inflammation and avoid those that, on the contrary, promote it.

If you have arthritis, chances are you’ve already noticed that the pain varies depending on your diet, your activity, but also the climate. Finding foods for arthritis pain relief can be a difficult task.

You must learn to incorporate ingredients that soothe your pain and facilitate the mobility of your joints. At the same time, you should ban certain foods, which only further inflame your tissues.

In the rest of this article, we’ll give you a list of foods that will help you relieve arthritis and improve your quality of life.

Keep in mind that you should always see a doctor if you want to make a major change in your diet.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have many advantages over regular white potatoes. This should encourage you to incorporate them more frequently in your dishes.

Their orange color indicates that they are loaded with beta-carotenes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

If you replace potatoes with sweet potatoes as soon as you have the chance, you will get various benefits that will relieve your arthritis pain.


Bananas are great foods. If they have multiple virtues, they are particularly recommended for people who suffer from arthritis.

They are rich in potassium, as well as vitamins and minerals of all kinds, such as folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6. This cocktail of nutrients helps relieve the effects of arthritis and keep this condition under control.

In addition, the fibers of bananas will allow you to cleanse your digestive system.

Mangoes and apples

Even though mangoes are a seasonal fruit, and can be expensive, they are full of antioxidants that are great for our health.

  • They are particularly rich in vitamin E and beta-carotenes. These two elements are incredibly effective in slowing the progression of arthritis.
  • Apples, on the other hand, have many benefits for our health. They reduce joint tension, which may help relieve mobility problems and pain caused by arthritis.


Most dried fruits are great for reducing inflammation that can affect parts of the body because they all contain great, healthy fats. But nuts are particularly recommended for fighting arthritis.

If you want to vary the pleasures, Brazil nuts and cashews are also good options.


The many soy derivatives are all great for fighting arthritis, but don’t consume them if you also have gout.

The virtues of soy can be appreciated in different ways. However, it is fermented products derived from soy, such as miso, tempeh or tofu, which provide the most nutrients to relieve pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.

The salmon

Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It is therefore particularly recommended for combating joint pain.

While all oily fish are helpful in a diet that aims to relieve arthritis, we suggest consuming salmon once or twice a week to make yourself feel better.

The effects of omega 3 will allow you to reduce your inflammation in a short time. It is very important that you pay attention to getting enough of these fatty acids in your diet.


The vitamin C contained in peppers acts as a very powerful antioxidant. It helps fight the action of free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation.

It is this double action that considerably reduces the pain caused by arthritis. It is very complicated to fight against free radicals, which is why it is essential to consume antioxidants.

Green peppers are very easy to integrate into all your recipes (salads, smoothies, ready meals) and will give you an instant injection of vitamins.

Green tea

Green tea is a well-known source of antioxidants.

But it also contains specific substances that fight directly against inflammation, which quickly relieves joint pain.

While specialists do not always agree on how much green tea we should ingest, studies seem to show that drinking two cups a day would be a good idea.

Whole grains and pulses

They are great for reducing inflammation, as long as you choose them well.

Whole grains offered by the food industry generally contain harmful additives, which can aggravate the disorders caused by arthritis.

We therefore advise you to be careful with the products you buy. And especially choose them raw, unprocessed, as for pulses. This way you can be sure that they are right for you.

For example, lenses are a great option for fighting arthritis. In addition to the fact that they will give you a feeling of fullness very quickly.

Spinach, tomatoes and beets

There are still other foods that can protect you from the effects of arthritis. Spinach, for example, is a vegetable rich in phyto-nutrients and fiber.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, contain lycopene. It is a substance that helps relieve all arthritis pain, especially if you consume it cooked.

Finally, red beets contain antioxidants that are found in few foods. Betalaine, for example, is very useful in strengthening the body’s natural defenses.

Keep in mind that it is always better to buy natural foods and cook them yourself, so that they get their full benefit.

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