3 Detox Waters To Purify Your Body And Have A Flat Stomach

Flavored waters provide all the benefits of their ingredients to promote the elimination of toxins, and help to drink the amount of water we need per day.

It is very important to regularly detoxify our organism, by promoting the elimination of waste. It is also necessary to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs to work optimally. With this in mind, detox water is increasingly popular. Indeed, it is an excellent alternative to purify our organism and have a flat stomach.

Having a flat stomach is not easy, because this part of our body is the one that tends to accumulate the most fat. In addition, it is also in this area that many health problems arise.

Sometimes exercising and eating a healthy diet is not enough to achieve the goal of a flat stomach. This can be caused by many factors, such as water retention or the build-up of toxins in the body.

For this, detox water helps to hydrate the body, but also to provide it with excellent properties to facilitate the elimination of toxic substances and liquids.

It is also a very good option to be able to enjoy a delicious drink, with enchanting scents and aromas.

Detox water recipe for a flat stomach

To prepare this “detox” water, simply put pieces of fruit and vegetables in a pitcher of water.

The ideal is to let the drink stand for two hours before consuming it. Thus, all the properties of the ingredients can be released.


  • 720 ml of fresh water
  • Fresh cucumber slices
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 lemon cut into slices
  • 1/4 orange, sliced

How does this drink work?

  • The properties of mint help facilitate digestion and relieve any stomach cramps you may suffer from.
  • For its part, cucumber has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and depurative properties. This helps to fight fluid retention and stomach inflammation.
  • Orange, on the other hand, strengthens the immune system and helps lower bad cholesterol.
  • Finally, lemon is digestive, detoxifying and purifying.

Detox water recipe to control cravings

Sudden food cravings are a barrier that prevents us from having a flat stomach and losing weight.

This drink eliminates toxic substances present in the body. However, it also provides a feeling of fullness and important nutrients that help control cravings for food.

Once again, put all the ingredients in a jug of water, then wait a few hours for the mixture to take place. Finally, drink it several times a day.  


  • 720 ml of fresh water
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • 1 strawberry, cut into slices
  • 1/2 lemon cut into slices
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 apple, cut into pieces

How does this drink work?

  • The water will hydrate the body and help it eliminate all the substances it does not need.
  • Mint has digestive properties that help reduce stomach aches and inflammation.
  • Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which help fight premature aging and prevent various diseases.
  • Lemon helps fight constipation, balances the body’s pH and facilitates the expulsion of waste from the body.
  • Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels. This results in a reduced urge to consume sugar and calories.
  • Finally, the apple provides fiber, antioxidants and essential nutrients to the body, which will help it control appetite and activate the metabolism.

Detox drink recipe to purify your body

The consumption of this “detox” water will allow you to eliminate the excess of toxins present in your body, but also to fight water retention. Your body will be healthier as well, and your stomach flatter.


  • 720 ml of fresh water
  • Watermelon slices
  • 1 cucumber cut into slices
  • 1 lemon or lime, cut into slices
  • Fresh mint leaves

How does this drink work?

  • This drink consists of ingredients rich in water, which have an important purifying power.
  • Watermelon thus contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals to prevent premature aging, as well as certain chronic diseases.
    In addition, thanks to its high water content, it eliminates excess fluids and toxins.
  • Cucumber also has properties similar to watermelon, as it is rich in water and antioxidants. Its consumption then makes it possible to prevent diseases, to relieve inflammation of the stomach and to control sudden urges to eat.
  • Lemon (like lime) helps regulate the digestive tract, stimulates the production of bile and fluidifies it so that it circulates in the body with greater ease.
    Bile is produced by the liver and helps break down fat.

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