8 Mistakes When Washing Your Face

In order for washing your face to be completely hygienic and restorative, you have to consider all the steps of the process.

Washing your face is one of the simplest beauty habits. This is why it is rare to make mistakes in this process.

You should know that some actions can be counterproductive and cause problems on your face. 

Remember that the skin is one of the most delicate areas and it should be treated very carefully.

Pay attention to your care and change the habits that cause problems.

We will explain to you the mistakes not to make.

1. You don’t wash your hands before washing your face

This mistake is very common: you don’t wash your hands before washing your face. In fact, many people think there is no point in washing your hands before washing your face if you use cleansers.

Yet whether you believe it or not, washing your hands is vital. The hands are exposed to bacteria because they touch countless areas during the day.

Some facial cleansing products are not intended to remove these impurities and if you use them in the initial stages, you could contaminate them.

2. You don’t change products over time

Surely you have a favorite beauty product. Maybe you find it fresh, smells good, and it’s sweet. However, the world around us is not always the same and changes depending on the climate.

This is why you must adjust your treatment plan.

how to clean the face

The humidity and heat of summer that makes us sweat are not the same, just like the dry cold of winter.

Educate yourself on the best cleaners for each time of the year and you’ll take a step forward. Don’t stick around with just one product.

The ideal beauty product should remove impurities, makeup and all dead cells without removing the natural oils from your skin.

Get a cleanser that gets the job done (without getting too mild, as these require a double wash to get a deep clean).

Also avoid a cleanser that is too abrasive as your skin may become irritated and dry.

3. You don’t take care of the exfoliation 

You should not exfoliate the skin every day as it can dry out the skin considerably. Some exfoliators could damage it because they contain chemicals that are very harsh.

You just need to wash your face every day.

Ideally, the exfoliation is performed once a week or twice a month, depending on the product used.

Thus, you will avoid losing the softness of your skin and the exfoliant will be used effectively.

4. You are not taking enough care of your skin

Are you one of those people who dries your face heavily after cleaning it?

Maybe you are rubbing your skin too much with the towel. If you think that the more you dry it, the cleaner it will be, you are wrong.

In fact, you could cause great damage. Try to do the following with gentle circular motions: cleanse, exfoliate, and dry.

This reduces damage and is more efficient for having an ideal cleaning.

Finally, dry your skin with small dabs and use a soft towel. Do not add more and treat it with care.

5. You are not applying the cleanser correctly on the face. 

You must apply the cleanser correctly. The pores will absorb it to make it penetrate to the deepest layers of your skin.

This is why you must apply it with circular movements, very light and gentle.

If you do it horizontally or vertically, maybe it will take a little longer.

Follow the instructions of the cleanser: even if it is slow to act, it brings many benefits. 

6. You are not using the correct water temperature

It is often thought that hot water opens the pores and cold water closes them. Although this is a very popular idea, it is a myth. Pores do not have muscles that open and close them.

Be aware that if you wash your face with very hot water, you will damage the natural oils that protect your skin.

This can cause dryness and uncontrolled sebum production.

It is advisable to use lukewarm water as it will not cause any damage and properly remove impurities. In addition, lukewarm water is more pleasant.

7. You do not rinse well

Your beauty routine doesn’t end with cleansing. Toners, moisturizers, serums and protectors can be applied to a clean face to maintain a healthy face.

After using all of these products in your beauty routine, you should know that if you don’t rinse yourself well, they will start to build up on your face.

This causes clogging of the pores, dries up the skin and leads to the appearance of blackheads.

products for washing the face

It is important to rinse well. Take special care when you are in a hurry in the morning or fall from fatigue in the evening.

Remember to rinse the jaw, hairline and nose. These are three places that we tend to forget very easily.

Maybe you’ve made these mistakes more than once without even thinking about them. You might think you just needed soap and cold water.

Now you have a list of vital actions for a great beauty routine! 

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