How To Prepare A Natural Coffee Cream For The Eye Area

Thanks to the properties of its natural ingredients, coffee cream helps us to hydrate this area of ​​our face, to soften wrinkles and decongest the skin. skin.

Coffee cream can help your skin. The skin around the eyes is certainly the most fragile and thinnest area of ​​the entire face.

It is made up of small sebaceous glands and it suffers from a deficiency of collagen, as well as elastin.

Since it is a very delicate area which is exposed daily to different factors in our environment,  the face is one of the first parts of our body to undergo the appearance of signs of aging.

In addition, the eye area is also greatly affected by insufficient sleep, stress, unhealthy diet and other unhealthy habits which in one way or another influence the condition. general health of our body.

Women have always looked for ways to take care of this part of their face. In order to eliminate wrinkles and imperfections that form there.

Nowadays, there are many products and various beauty techniques that can help us fight against the damage that can be suffered by the eye area.

If you are looking for natural options to achieve this, without investing large amounts of money in expensive commercial treatments, we have decided to share with you a very special recipe.

It is a natural coffee cream that you can easily prepare at home. To take care of your eye area with ease.

Homemade coffee cream for the eye area

Coffee cream.

The ingredients used in this natural cream are very interesting. Because they have properties that reduce the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes, which affect the beauty of our face so much.

In addition, if you use this treatment regularly, you can quickly reduce the appearance of your wrinkles.

The antioxidants in this cream are ideal for repairing skin tissue, as they have the ability to counter the action of free radicals.

This remedy also has anti-inflammatory agents that help reduce dark circles and inflammation of the skin.

Jojoba oil and rosehip help rejuvenate and nourish the skin to prevent crow’s feet from forming.


  • 1 tablespoon of coffee infused oil (15 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter (15 g)
  • A tablespoon and a half of shea butter (21 g)
  • 1 teaspoon and a half of rosehip oil (7 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon and a half of jojoba oil (7 ml)
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil


Coffee treatment.

  • Melt the shea butter and cocoa butter over low heat.
    When they are well melted, remove them from the heat, then add the coffee oil, jojoba oil and rosehip oil.
  • Once you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, add the essential oils, and pour everything into an airtight glass container, preferably opaque.
  • Store the cream in a cool, dry environment. It can be kept between 6 months and 1 year.

Method of application

  • Cleanse your face well with a suitable product, and make sure that there is no makeup residue.
  • Then take a small amount of cream, and apply it all over your eye area, using small circular massages.
  • It is advisable to carry out this operation just before going to bed, so that the cream can act throughout your rest.

How to make coffee infused oil?

Coffee oil.

The active principle of our natural cream is coffee infused oil. It is a very easy ingredient to prepare at home.

Thanks to its antioxidants, this oil will allow you to effectively prevent the appearance of signs of aging.


  • 3 tablespoons of ground coffee (45 g)
  • ½ cup olive oil (120 ml)

Preparing coffee oil

  • Heat the 120 ml of olive oil over low heat. When the oil is hot, add the freshly ground coffee.
  • Let this mixture stand at room temperature. For best results, let steep overnight before using.
  • Once this period of time has elapsed, strain the mixture. Reserve the oil and use the leftover coffee to achieve a complete exfoliation of your body.

Since you will only need 15 ml of coffee oil for your homemade cream, you can use the rest as a treatment for your legs, arms or stomach.

Thanks to the nutrients it contains, coffee oil is ideal for activating blood circulation. As well as to fight cellulite and stretch marks.

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