Discover A Powerful Anti-wrinkle Lotion With Lemon And Parsley

This lotion contains lemon, which means that it is imperative to put on sunscreen before going outside because this ingredient stains the skin, when exposed to the sun.

Wrinkles are signs of time that we do not like, but which are inevitable. However, you should know that to reduce them, it is possible to take care of our skin daily with natural products, for example with this anti-wrinkle lotion with lemon and parsley.

Sometimes wrinkles become our worst enemies, other times they go unnoticed and still other times they make us resign ourselves.

But we don’t need to spend reckless sums on anti-aging creams  when we have certain products on hand that we can make on our own. These products take care of our skin and stop premature wrinkles that appear on our face.

The anti-wrinkle power of lemon, parsley and honey

We are going to give you natural formulas to deal with the wrinkles that appear on your face. However,  you should know that these preparations are rather preventive and not palliative or reducing wrinkles.

Now let’s see why the ingredients we are going to use are so beneficial for the skin:

  • Vitamin C contained in lemon contributes to the production of collagen.
  • The acids in honey remove dead cells and repair the skin while nourishing it.
  • Parsley contains a large amount of vitamin C, which protects the skin from premature aging due to the negative action of free radicals on our skin cells.

How to apply this anti-wrinkle lotion?

  • Start by soaking a piece of cotton then moisten the skin for a few minutes, on a relaxed face.
  • Rub with upward movements.
  • Apply these lotions 2 or 3 times a week, if possible every other day.
  • After applying the lotion, do not put makeup or cream on the face, as the skin needs to be well oxygenated.

How to apply this anti-wrinkle lotion

How to prepare this anti-wrinkle lotion?


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of fresh parsley. Cut the leaves and the stem of a few sprigs (10 g)
  • 1 slice of lemon


  • Put the parsley and lemon slice in a glass of water, then let stand overnight.
  • Then take a little cotton to apply the lotion on your face.


The treatment consists of applying a cotton pad soaked in lotion to the wrinkles of the skin, and letting it dry. In the morning, this helps neutralize free radicals better.

Another lemon preparation

Since lemon is a powerful energizer and cleanser of our skin, there are a number of ways to use it.

  • For example, you can put honey in a glass of lemon juice and dissolve it until it is ready for application.

This anti-wrinkle lotion should be applied to the skin in the morning and evening. It is necessary to repeat the operation every day for a while in order to stimulate the regeneration of the skin.

Basic skin care tips

Minimize exposure to sun and wind

It is one of the basic premises of skin care. It is extremely important to apply sunscreen if you are in the sun.

Wash your face every day

Experts recommend washing your face twice a day.

It is important to follow this habit, but it is also important not to wash too much as it could remove the natural oils from our skin.

Use tonic lotion frequently

This will allow us to remove impurities that do not go away during daily washing.

It is important to use it two or three times a week. The anti-wrinkle tonic lotion should preferably be natural.

Use a good quality moisturizer

It is essential to use a good moisturizer.

Although some claim that current creams all have the same effect, it is obvious that sunlight makes certain components inactive, such as retinol.

Do deep cleanings regularly

Peels or deep cleansings are highly recommended from time to time. The frequency depends on the condition of our skin.

Thus, it is important to seek the advice of professionals to perform these treatments. Because incorrect application could have abrasive effects on the skin. 

Changing unhealthy habits

  • Do not smoke, drink, eat processed foods, eat sugar, have a sedentary lifestyle etc.

All these basic recommendations are essential and essential for the care of our skin.

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