Varicose Ulcers: Causes, Treatment, Natural Remedy

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and promotes the production of elastin and collagen to regenerate tissue. This plant is also antimicrobial and therefore helps prevent infections.

Varicose ulcers are conditions that appear on the legs when there is not enough blood flow to that area. The heart cannot get enough blood to get to the veins.

The pressure in these veins will therefore increase and the liquid will clump together forming varicose ulcers. It is a very painful process, but also very dangerous for health, which requires increased monitoring and medical treatment.

To supplement the action of the drugs that your doctor may prescribe, certain natural remedies help speed up healing. However, you should keep in mind that varicose ulcers take some time to go away.

Find out more about varicose ulcers later in this article.

Varicose ulcers: the causes

Causes of varicose ulcers

The problem of venous insufficiency mainly affects women. In many cases, this is for genetic reasons.

This condition is passed on from mother to daughter. The following factors can be the cause of the appearance of varicose ulcers:

  • presence of varicose veins
  • pregnancy
  • genetic history of blood clotting problems in the legs
  • tobacco
  • be tall 
  • sedentary 
  • bad nutrition
  • venous hypertension

Varicose ulcers: the treatment

As we have said, they mainly affect female individuals or elderly patients who are very sedentary.

People who suffer from one or more varicose ulcers resort to bandages to prevent possible blows that could worsen the situation, or to prevent the penetration of external agents that could cause infections.

However, these therapeutic bandages do not necessarily help us to end the ulcer. Sometimes surgery is necessary.

The most common operation is micro-sclerotherapy, an outpatient procedure that reduces venous hypertension and heals the ulcer in just a few weeks.

However, we must again remind you that varicose ulcers do not heal overnight. They can go through a very long and painful healing process.

It is therefore worthwhile to supplement the doctor’s recommendations with a simple natural treatment that we will present to you in the rest of this article.

Varicose ulcers: remedy with Aloe vera

Aloe vera remedy to treat varicose ulcers

As we told you, varicose ulcers are in the form of open sores. So you have to be very careful about what you are going to apply to this damaged skin.

We recommend that you always take your doctor’s advice into account before trying anything.

The remedy that we are going to present to you is a medicinal drink made from Aloe vera , ideal for promoting the healing process of your varicose ulcer.

This is not a topical treatment, but an internal solution.

  • The Aloe vera is a plant known for its ability to regenerate the skin tissue because it has the ability to stimulate and strengthen the collagen fibers and elastin. It is the most powerful natural remedy you can use to speed the healing of your varicose ulcers.
  • The Aloe vera also has antimicrobial properties that allow you to avoid potential infectious agents aggravate the condition of the wound.
  • The pulp of this plant is rich in anthraquinones, acemanan, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, secondary metabolites and salicylic acid. These substances strengthen the healing process and fight inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon of Aloe vera (the gel contained inside the plant) (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • The first thing to do is to extract the gel from the aloe vera stem using a spoon or a small knife.
  • The second step is that simple. In your blender, pour the glass of water as well as the Aloe vera. Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture. It’s ready !


  • Drink this natural drink every morning for two months.  This will accelerate the healing of your varicose ulcer as well as the repair of your tissues. It is a simple and healthy natural supplement that is worth considering.

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