Does Royal Jelly Strengthen The Immune System?

Beekeeping is the science and art of maintaining health through bee products. One of the products obtained is royal jelly. And in a current moment of the coronavirus pandemic, it is normal to wonder if this royal jelly is capable of strengthening our immune system.

Honey, propolis and royal jelly are substances produced by bees. Thanks to their active components, they are very interesting for strengthening our nutritional state. Although royal jelly does not improve the immune system, it is associated with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and antioxidant activity.

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a substance secreted by worker bees. It is known as the superfood that is used to nourish larvae for the first three days of life as well as queen bees throughout their existence.

For humans, it has been a traditional remedy for many years. Especially in Asian apitherapy and ancient Egypt. Currently, it is widely used in the field of pharmacy and cosmetics.

What are its properties for health?

The nutritional composition of royal jelly is very complete and has a high concentration of nutrients. It is therefore composed of water, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins – in particular of the B group – and some minerals. In addition, more than a hundred other organic components have been detected, including royalactin and some flavonoids.

All of these nutrients are responsible for the beneficial properties of royal jelly on some occasions. Thanks to its  high content of flavonoids,  the strong point of this substance is that it can work as:

  • Antioxidant
  • Aging modulator
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Neurotropic

A beekeeper collecting royal jelly

When is royal jelly useful?

As we have pointed out, it is a very nutritious food. Although in the case of humans, it should be viewed more as a dietary supplement to be taken on certain occasions. Here are just a few of them.

Convalescence and physical and mental demands

Royal jelly  could stimulate mental and physical functions in the elderly. A study of the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reveals that after being treated with royal jelly, laboratory mice show lower levels of stress hormones. In analyzes on humans, an improvement in mental health was observed after consuming royal jelly for 6 months.

Tissue regeneration and healing

Royal jelly would improve wound healing. In vivo and in vitro studies suggest that it  shortens the healing period of wounds and skin lesions. It would therefore be useful for dermatological problems of inflammatory origin, both topically and internally.

Antibacterial activity

There is scientific data available on the antibacterial activity of royal jelly and some of its components, mainly against gram-positive bacteria. This is not the case with gram negative bacteria, the effectiveness of which is greatly reduced.

In addition, other studies have established a link between this product and an antibacterial effect against certain bacteria that are very resistant to conventional antibiotics. S taphylococcus aureus is an example. However, more research is needed in this area. Because one of the main current health problems is bacterial resistance.

Reduction of oxidative stress

One of the most promising properties of royal jelly is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power. At least, this has been shown in different studies done on animals. One of which is published in the journal Neuroscience LettersProgress is still needed in human testing, but for now the results look promising.

Royal jelly capsules

Does royal jelly improve the immune system?

This product has antibacterial properties. This makes it a good adjuvant in the face of this type of infection. In any case, it opens up a vast field of investigation which must be continued to explore.

However, the same cannot be said for its supporting function for the immune system. Indeed, it would be risky to assert that royal jelly is good for the immune system,  when the studies available to date do not point in this direction. More research is therefore needed before reliable recommendations can be made to the public.

The best tips we can follow to keep our immune system strong and healthy are:

  • Eat a healthy and sufficient diet,  based on fresh foods that provide us with all the necessary nutrients
  • Consume foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics, the best food for our intestinal flora
  • Make exercise and stay active in our daily lives
  • Get enough sleep
  • Move away from sources of stress, as much as possible
  • Some supplements can help us, but it is better to get information from a specialist

There is no evidence that royal jelly improves the immune system

Like propolis or honey, royal jelly is very rich in active components such as phenolic acid, terpenes and enzymes. This gives it nutritional properties as well as benefits for our body.

On the other hand, the research is promising. However, more studies in humans are now needed to ensure the properties and safety of this dietary supplement. For now, with confirmed infections or suspicious symptoms, it is always best to see a healthcare practitioner  for advice.

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