Can An Apple A Day Protect You Against Obesity?

Green apple helps us restore our metabolic balance. It is rich in fiber, and thanks to its polyphenols, it allows us to fight obesity and control our fat level.

An apple a day. We have all at least once made this recommendation, it must be said that few things are so healthy and indicated for our diet.

But, can an apple prevent the dreaded obesity? And besides, what kind of apple? We will explain everything to you here.

Apples, faithful protectors of our health

There are many reasons to include an apple a day in our food pyramid, regardless of the variety. You know, this forbidden fruit can do a lot of things for our health:

  • It is hydrating, diuretic,  and also prevents water retention. 
  • It also lowers blood pressure  thanks to its high potassium content.
  • The apple is rich in antioxidants.
  • It contains fiber,  especially if you eat it raw and with the skin on.
  • It also contains pectin which protects our intestines.
  • The apple, and its skin, also helps us prevent certain types of cancer such as colon cancer.
  • Its phytochemicals also  protect us against diabetes and reduce our cholesterol.

Nutritionists especially recommend that we consume apples with their skin on.  This is indeed where pectin and a large part of its phytochemicals are located.

We have therefore seen that it is appropriate to eat an apple a day for various reasons. But, in what ways can they help us to fight against obesity and against the extra pounds that we put on from time to time?

The Granny Smith apple and its benefits to prevent obesityapple a day

When it comes to preventing obesity, not all apples are created equal. The Granny Smith variety, this delicious green apple with a slightly sour flavor that combines very well with other foods, is the ideal apple.

A group of scientists from Washington State University came to this conclusion after a study. His intention was to prove concretely which variety was the most suitable to prevent the extra pounds that often accumulate in our body.

What are the real benefits of the Granny Smith apple over other varieties? So what is his secret? The experts published the answer in the journal “Food Chemistry”. We therefore reveal the following data to you:

  • The Granny Smith apple contains non-digestible components that help prevent disorders associated with obesity.  It is indeed the variety which has the highest content of polyphenols, dietary fibers and carbohydrates.
  • This type of apple also promotes the growth of good bacteria, the  ones that help protect our colon by fighting all types of toxins, and helping us shed fat.
  • Granny Smiths also have more medicinal properties and are healthier than Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious or Braeburn. They are indeed the richest in polyphenols and, in general, in non-digestible components which help to control the level of fats, and therefore to avoid obesity.
  • The index of good bacteria that we have in the colon will also help us lose weight. and this is favored by these apples which boost these good bacteria and restore our metabolic balance. The inflammations disappear, and we have more easily the feeling of satiety which prevents us from gaining weight. A natural wonder within everyone’s reach.

Don’t doubt it, eat an apple a day, and let it be a Granny Smith!

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