Evening Primrose Oil: 6 Benefits For Female Health

Did you know that evening primrose could be one of a woman’s best allies? Evening primrose helps control hormonal imbalances and fight inflammation, among other things.

Evening primrose oil is a popular remedy for maintaining female health because  it helps balance hormones naturally without side effects.

It is then the perfect ally for women who suffer from menstrual disorders and / or infertility, as well as those who are in the menopause phase.

In addition, evening primrose oil is also effective in preventing premature graying, relieving inflammation, and improving the appearance of skin and hair.

Discover 6 benefits of evening primrose oil for female health here.

1. Evening primrose, the ally of women going through menopause

healthy evening primrose breakfast

For many women, climacteric and menopause are difficult stages of change.

If you are in the menopause phase, the first thing to do is to adopt new eating and lifestyle habits in order to overcome this stage in a healthy and joyful way and, if possible, without taking medication.

Evening primrose oil is a perfect ally for this. The ideal would be to combine it with other supplements and foods capable of regulating hormones.

We offer you the following morning routine:

  • a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon
  • evening primrose oil capsules
  • a breakfast consisting of fruits (banana, avocado, fig), whole grains (oats), dried fruits (nuts and almonds) and a vegetable drink.

2. Heavy periods

Some women, regardless of age, suffer from imbalances in their menstrual cycle, without having a significant health problem.

Hormones are very sensitive to external factors such as stress, emotions or even diet. This is why it is common for women to suffer from hormonal imbalances.

When the periods are heavy, generally, unpleasant symptoms appear, such as fatigue, a feeling of weakness, anemia, pallor …

We therefore advise you to combine the following remedies:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • Borage oil
  • sage
  • calendula
  • the pepper tree
  • angelica from China

3. Infertility

Unfortunately, infertility is an increasingly common problem in modern society.

So, for women who want to take preventative measures or are looking for natural options, evening primrose oil combined with other natural remedies as well as certain foods is a good option.

However, you will need to be patient. These remedies and foods are effective, but their effectiveness is gradual. Include the following foods and supplements in your eating routine:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • maca root
  • lawyer
  • green vegetables
  • ginseng
  • pepper tree
  • dried fruits
  • lawyer
  • small blue fish
  • dates
  • ginger

4. Wrinkles and stretch marks

Women live longer than men, but the fear of aging is much stronger among women.

Over time, the skin becomes dehydrated and loses texture and elasticity. Consequence of this: wrinkles appear on the face just like stretch marks on different parts of the body.

We share with you here a homemade and natural cream recipe. It will help you prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks.


  • 2 tablespoons of evening primrose oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of rosehip oil (15 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of almond oil (60 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of Aloe vera gel (60 ml)


  • To start, mix all of the above ingredients well.
  • When the mixture is perfectly homogeneous, store it in a glass bottle. It is not used to store it in the refrigerator.


  • Apply this cream on the face and on the body twice a day.

5. Dry and damaged hair

Age, climate, hair products, heating devices and nutritional deficiencies are factors that weaken hair.

Evening primrose oil is a good ally to repair damaged hair and bring it back shine and softness. This is why we are offering you a homemade mask recipe here.


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of evening primrose oil (15 ml)
  • the juice of one lemon (15 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • First of all, beat the egg yolk.
  • Mix all the ingredients together. If the honey is too strong, you can melt it in a double boiler. If you want your mask to be more liquid, add a little water.


  • Apply this mask to the hair.
  • Leave on for thirty minutes.
  • Wash your hair as usual.
  • Apply this mask once a week.

6. Inflammations

evening primrose capsule

Many pains felt by women are associated with inflammatory processes, such as migraines, arthritis, muscle contractures …

The same goes for skin problems, which are caused by inflammation.

Evening primrose oil is an effective remedy to relieve these inflammations. We also advise you to consider the following natural remedies:

  • linseed oil
  • nettle extract
  • turmeric
  • ginger

Did you know the benefits of evening primrose oil? Include this oil in your healthy lifestyle and enjoy its benefits!

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