The Five Best Homemade Deodorants

We all must have good hygiene rules for health. Indeed, without them, we are more exposed to all kinds of disorders or diseases. Concretely, the use of deodorants for the body will allow us to be more comfortable, more sure of ourselves.

In addition, this will prevent us from emitting bad smells, something very unpleasant for those around us. This is the reason why we present here the five best homemade deodorants!

Before deciding which product is right for you, it’s important that you know what makes a deodorant different from an antiperspirant.

Although most people usually confuse them as one and the same, there are some differences between these two products. In addition, there are currently such a large number of items offered on the market that you get confused and it is easy not to make the right choice …

What differentiates deodorants from antiperspirants

As we said above, these two products have important differences. Here are the main ones:

  • The deodorant. Deodorants are mainly used to eliminate bad odors caused by perspiration. These products are therefore not designed to keep us from sweating. They are only used to eliminate bad odors resulting from perspiration. Most of them are scented and contain alcohol. Their effect also lasts about twelve hours. This type of product is easily assimilated by the body.
  • The anti-perspirant. As the name suggests, and unlike deodorant, this type of product is designed to block perspiration. To achieve this it acts as a sweat gland inhibitor, and it usually contains small amounts of aluminum salts. An antiperspirant is much more effective than a deodorant, and its anti-bacterial function is more important. However, it is not recommended to apply it to certain parts of the body, as it can clog pores.


Which is more suitable: the deodorant or the antiperspirant?

The answer to this question will largely depend on our needs and physical characteristics. Therefore, people who sweat little and whose sweat does not have a strong odor can easily decide on a deodorant.

This will only allow them to eliminate unpleasant odors, since their perspiration is not excessive.

On the other hand, people who sweat a lot should use an antiperspirant. Thus their perspiration will be less abundant and this will prevent them from emitting bad odors.

Obviously, in this specific case, a deodorant would not do the trick, because it would neither eliminate bad odors nor reduce the abundance of sweat.

However, experts in the field believe that it is better to choose a deodorant that also has an antiperspirant action.

Thus, we will benefit from the qualities of both products: on the one hand, bad smells will be masked by a pleasant fragrance. On the other hand, the amount of sweat will decrease, especially if it is usually excessive!

The 5 best natural deodorants

  1. Alum: this type of mineral is considered by many people to be the natural deodorant par excellence. Not only does alum eliminate bad odors, it also has bactericidal, astringent and healing properties. It is therefore an excellent product that can be used as a natural deodorant. And what’s more, its effect is long lasting!
  2. Aloe vera: this plant, or more particularly its sap, is a very effective natural deodorant that can be used all over the body, either alone or mixed with an essential oil. This product is also used as a healing agent for various kinds of small wounds, and as a digestive. This is why aloe vera sap is such a great option.
  3. Bicarbonate: thanks to its properties, bicarbonate is a very effective natural deodorant. Moreover, it removes odors much better than some deodorants that we find in the trade. However, it can stain clothing and should therefore be applied in small amounts and with care.
  4. Essential oils: a very practical and inexpensive solution. They are mixed with other products, like all those we have just described, in order to obtain a perfumed deodorant. Just a few drops of oil will give them a pleasant scent.
  5. Tea tree oil: this type of oil makes an excellent deodorant. It masks bad odors and has antiseptic, bactericidal and antifungal properties. It can also be used to treat certain infections or skin lesions.

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