A Healing Soup For Fibromyalgia

Ginger and turmeric are known for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help us relieve pain associated with fibromyalgia.

With the modern lifestyle, which is characterized mainly by a strong sedentarization, the cases of fibromyalgia have sharply increased across the world, especially among women.

This health problem consists of a series of pains that affect the joints, muscles and other parts of the body.

In addition, fibromyalgia causes great fatigue which can prevent the sufferer from performing their daily tasks normally.

What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?

People who suffer from fibromyalgia experience symptoms similar to those of osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis, but they can also experience migraines, depression, and inexplicable fatigue.

The areas most affected by fibromyalgia are called “hypersensitive spots”, and are as follows:

  • The neck
  • Shoulders
  • The back
  • Hips
  • Arms
  • Legs

Some of the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are:

  • Difficulty getting to sleep.
  • Rigidity of the joints. 
  • Headaches.
  • Painful menstrual periods.
  • A feeling of tingling or drowsiness in the hands and feet.
  • Poor memory and difficulty concentrating.

Until now, the exact causes of fibromyalgia could not be determined by experts, but research into a possible treatment is ongoing.

There are drugs that reduce the pain caused by this pathology, and which have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

However, excessive intake of these types of products is not recommended as they can have side effects on your health.

It is therefore important to take into consideration all the natural treatments that exist, which use medicinal ingredients to effectively fight fibromyalgia.

A curative soup against fibromyalgia

Natural ingredients like ginger and turmeric are known for their strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory powers.

They can help reduce pain associated with various pathologies.

We’re going to introduce you to a fibromyalgia healing soup, which  combines the effects of these two ingredients with those of healthy foods, such as scallion, coconut oil, and fresh vegetables.

To prepare this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • A piece of ginger root
  • 1 piece of turmeric
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth without salt
  • 2 spring onions


  • Prepare all the main ingredients. Wash and grate the root of ginger, as well as that of turmeric, to obtain a kind of powder.
  • Put a skillet over medium heat, then add the ginger, turmeric and coconut oil.
  • Simmer for a few moments, then add the vegetable broth. Cook over medium heat until it boils.
  • When the mixture boils, lower the heat, add a little turmeric and immerse the chopped spring onions in the mixture.
  • Let the cooking continue for a few moments, and serve piping hot.

Other recommendations for treating fibromyalgia

In addition to the recipe we have just revealed to you, it is important to follow some essential recommendations that will allow you to treat fibromyalgia very effectively.

Accept the pain

It is impossible to  completely eliminate the pain and symptoms caused by fibromyalgia.

The first step to take when you have this disease is to accept that the pain will continue you for the rest of your life.

To fight it, you are going to have to change a lot of your daily habits.

Control your emotions

The chronic pain that is caused by fibromyalgia can affect the feelings of the sufferer in different ways, sometimes leading to cases of depression.

This is an element that must be particularly monitored, because it can greatly reduce the quality of life of the patient, and can worsen the pain he feels.

Avoid stress

Stress is the body’s response to a situation that bothers it or generates irritability in it.

It is possible that when suffering from this health problem, many stressful situations arise in your daily life. Especially when the pain is so intense that it affects your plans and daily activities.

To control this phenomenon, we must first be aware of it, before establishing clear limits.

Emotional stress should also be avoided, as it could make the pain worse.

To exercise

It is widely accepted that this is the most suitable therapy for improving the quality of life of people with fibromyalgia.

To benefit from it, you should avoid doing too intense exercises, and opt for those that aim to work the areas of your body affected by this problem.

Ideally, the patient concerned works with the help of a coach. This will ensure that the recommended exercises are carried out correctly.

Avoid fatigue

Fatigue is an inevitable symptom in people who suffer from fibromyalgia. It is essential to learn to control it so that it does not affect the whole organism.

It is not good to be inactive. But it is also not recommended to perform too many tasks on a daily basis.

The ideal is to plan your occupations well during the day, and to plan hours of rest.

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