8 Natural Tips For Strengthening Bones

Did you know that if you exercise with weights, in addition to working your muscles, you will strengthen your bones? This will prevent you from suffering from osteoporosis and fractures.

 Have you ever wondered if you need to strengthen your bones? Can you identify when you need it? Here we tell you more about it.

The human body is made up of 206 bones that vary in longitude and width and have different functions in the bone system.

  • The bones are united by the joints which allow movement.
  • In addition, they are separated by the cartilages. These prevent the bones from rubbing together and wearing out.

We can say that the main functions of the bone system are:

  • They support body weight
  • Allow movement
  • They protect the vital organs that are in some of their cavities

Considering the importance of this system, it is essential to take care of it and follow the advice to strengthen your bones and keep them healthy.

You should know that there are natural options to achieve this goal:

1. Eat vegetables

Vegetables for the bones.

In general, all vegetables are great allies in building bones and staying healthy.

Their high vitamin C content promotes the production of cells that form bones. The antioxidant effect of this vitamin helps and may even repair damage that takes place in the bone system.

Eating vegetables helps increase bone density. It is nothing more than a measure of the amount of calcium and other minerals present in the bones.

The higher the bone density, the less likely you will experience problems like osteopenia and osteoporosis.

2. Consume protein

If we do not ingest enough protein, we decrease the percentage of calcium absorption by the bones.

Thus, it is necessary to take precautions and to consume in a moderate way because to the excess, they can complicate the efforts undertaken to strengthen the bones.

It is estimated that an amount of 100 grams per day is beneficial for:

  • Maintain bone mass in the years following menopause.
  • Decrease the risk of fractures in old age.

3. Eat foods rich in calcium

Eating these foods daily is key to strengthening your bones. This is because it is one of the main minerals that make up the bone structure.

  • The most effective way for calcium to be absorbed is to ingest it throughout the day with various meals.
  • Although it can be taken as a supplement, it is not always absorbed properly in these cases.

If you eat one serving of foods rich in calcium per day, this may not be enough and you could build up deficiencies which, over time, lead to problems.

4. Get enough vitamin D

This vitamin helps to absorb and fix calcium in the bones. It can be obtained by eating fish, liver and cheese, or by exposure to the sun.

However, many people are deficient in this vitamin and need to take supplements to get the levels correct and not take the risk of developing osteopenia or osteoporosis.

To strengthen your bones, you can go out for a 30-minute walk a day in a park. Just be sure to use a solar spf to avoid sunburn.

5. Avoid very low calorie diets

This type of diet, besides slowing down metabolism, harming muscle mass and increasing anxiety, also negatively affects bone structure as it decreases bone density.

  • If you are trying to lose weight, be sure to eat a varied and balanced diet to strengthen your bones at the same time.
  • This means that there should be a healthy dose of vegetables with a little protein and a small portion of healthy fats.

6. Collagen for bones

Collagen for bones.

Although its benefits are not yet fully evident, taking this supplement helps strengthen bones because it is one of their main protein.

People with arthritis should know that eating gelatin, which is collagen, helps reduce the pain associated with this disease.

7. Eat foods rich in magnesium and zinc

In addition to calcium, magnesium and zinc are also present in the bones. Along with vitamin D, magnesium helps absorb calcium.

Zinc promotes the formation of bone marrow cells and prevents excessive bone breakdown.

To obtain this mineral, you must add the following foods to your diet:

  • Spinach
  • Shrimps
  • Flax and squash seeds
  • Beef

8. Exercises with weights

They are very effective in improving bone density and decreasing the marks of change as well as inflammation.

This type of exercise not only promotes the growth of muscle mass, but also helps strengthen bones.

Thus, adolescents and young adults who exercise with weights promote the strengthening and creation of their bone mass.

Strengthening your bones is very easy

As you can see, keeping strong and healthy bones is not that difficult. All you need to do is add a few foods to your diet and exercise to achieve increased bone density.

With these small changes, you will be less likely to suffer from osteoporosis and serious fractures in old age.

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