A Spoon Of Honey A Day For Your Brain

Honey is a delicious product that gives our brains the energy they need to function properly and protect us from neurodegenerative diseases. You only need to eat one teaspoon of honey a day to benefit from its effects!

A spoonful of honey a day is a gift for your brain because it promotes its health. You need to make sure that the honey you buy is as pure and natural as possible, without sugar or additives that remove its natural properties.

Nature is wise and well done. It puts at our fingertips many wonderful ways to improve our well-being.

Honey is converted into a healthy fuel that our brain needs  to carry out the various processes it is responsible for.

In addition to this, we must not forget that there is nothing better than consuming a spoon of honey before going to bed: this way our sleep will be much deeper and more restful.

In today’s article, we’ll give you all the information you need on this topic. We also invite you to remember that natural resources help us day after day in many situations.

And you… Do you consume a spoonful of honey a day?

The studies carried out each year on the benefits of honey always bring positive results. However, today we will only focus on the benefits of honey for the brain.

a spoon of honey before sleeping

Honey is a nutritional source for our brain

To begin with, we must take into account that the brain consumes about 20% of the total energy of our body. 

  • To find quick energy that will keep our brains activated and functioning, we usually drink a good dose of caffeine or eat something sweet.
  • Coffee is a substance that should be consumed in moderation. As for sugars, they are nothing more than empty calories that barely last an hour and that have negative consequences for our body.
  • According to a 2014 study at the Department of Molecular Biology at Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh, honey is one of the most recommended foods to “feed” our brains.
  • Honey is a high energy food that immediately activates the brain.  It increases the capacity of our memory and helps us start the day in a healthier way.
  • Honey is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium, and of course, calcium.
    It’s important to remember that our brain cells need an appropriate dose of calcium to generate electricity and promote neural connections.

Honey helps fight dementia

young brain

According to the study,  one of the most recommended foods to combat the onset and effects of dementia is honey.

  • A spoon of honey a day can protect us against multiple neurodegenerative diseases thanks to its high polyphenol index.
  • Studies suggest that the polyphenolic components in honey fight cell oxidation, fight inflammation of neural tissue, and greatly promote brain cell connections.

It should be noted that honey, on its own, does not provide 100% prevention that we will one day suffer from some type of dementia.

However, it can really help us fight against these types of diseases.

Consumption of honey is strongly recommended during menopause

According to recent research published in an American scientific journal on menopause, regular consumption of honey in postmenopausal women is very appropriate.

The reasons would be as follows:

  • The decrease in estrogen production in a woman’s body often results in a memory deficit, and problems concentrating.
  • We must also take into account that it is women who suffer the most from this calcium deficiency in the body, which as you know leads to bone decalcification.

As we explained above, the less calcium our brain cells receive, the less “fuel” they have.

  • Something as simple as consuming a spoon of honey can undoubtedly improve cognitive processes. It’s worth trying!

A spoon of honey for better sleep

sleep better thanks to honey

We told you earlier in this article that a spoonful of honey helps you start the day with energy, so it might come as a surprise to you to learn that honey can also make sleep easier. .

How is it possible ?

Take note of the following information:

  • If in the morning honey is highly recommended for the health of our brain, in the evening it is of great benefit to our liver. The reason ?
    It is at this time that this organ carries out its purification tasks, which is why a dose of fuel is favorable to it.
  • Honey provides the liver with an ideal supply of hepatic glycogen which allows the liver to perform its functions. The best way to consume it in this case is to mix 15 grams of honey in a glass of water (200ml).

And you… do you take a spoonful of honey a day?

If not, start today and you will find that your brain and general health will be better off. Worth a try, don’t you think?

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