7 Tips That Will Make You Look Taller

Looking taller is possible by practicing a few tips when dressing and getting ready.

To look taller, you don’t have to resort to high heels alone. In fact, there are plenty of other tips that can help you create the illusion in a very easy way without having to spend too much or try too much. Certainly, many women are already using several of these techniques without realizing it.

Once you get to know them all, you can make the most of them to create a more slender look and look slimmer and leaner. So you will no longer have any excuse to appear taller and lengthen your figure in a natural way.

Women who are not very tall usually want to gain a few extra inches to wear their outfits with perfect balance. To achieve this, they must not only resort to heels or platforms, but also adopt a series of measures so that the resulting visual effect is much more beneficial.

After all, it’s impossible to spend your life wearing high heels alone. Find out today how to look taller in a natural way.

7 tips to look taller

1. Colors and prints

The first thing you can do to look taller is what clothes you will wear every day. This is, in particular, the aspect of their design: the color and the pattern.

One-color clothes are a guaranteed hit. As much in the basic colors (black, white, beige, gray, navy blue, etc.) as in the others. An outfit consisting of two single-colored pieces will make the legs much taller and make your waist look much more elongated and slim.

On the other hand, when it comes to prints, the ones that look best on petite women are the smaller prints. What do we mean by this?

For example, among the floral prints, it is better to choose the ones with small flowers to give less volume and appear larger. Be careful, this is not about eliminating the large flowers forever, but about which is the best option with each garment.

The reasons stripes are another problem you also need to consider. This is a rule of thumb: vertical stripes will make you look taller, while horizontal stripes will accentuate your curves. On the other hand, it is better to choose sets that have fringes, lines and fine stripes and always in the vertical direction.

2. Always wear the most favorable shoes to appear taller

shoes that will make you look taller

When it comes to the type of shoes that are most favorable for petite women, there are the shoes that show off the tops of the feet and end in a pointed shape. Besides, sandals, heels, platforms and flats with the same characteristics will also be perfect.

Also remember that the more open the neckline of the shoe, the more favorable it will be to make you look taller.

3. Always use the correct size of clothing

Above all, do not wear clothes that are too long, nor too loose because the effect obtained will be the opposite of what you are looking for. Instead of gaining inches, you’ll shorten your leg and bust length. For this reason, always look for clothes that combine all of these tips and which also mark your waist height.

On the other hand, the best is always to play a little with the asymmetry of the clothes to lengthen the silhouette.

4. Highlight and lift your waistline to appear taller

If you can, try using belts and complements that define your waistline really well. This way, you can balance your look with any outfit.

Of course, the belts should preferably be rather thin and have small, delicate buckles. The wide belts and the very large buckles will on the contrary make you lose centimeters.

5. Don’t cut your hair that is neither too long nor too short.

Haircuts are another “accessory” that you need to consider when setting up your outfits and your overall look. Believe it or not, an inappropriate haircut (both for the face and the waist) can take a toll on the overall look of your figure.

So, when it comes to looking taller, a sure-fire trick is always to go for the middle choice. That is, haircuts that are neither extremely long nor too short.

6. Forget about small handbags

complements that will make you look taller

If possible, avoid small handbags, as they tend to make you look smaller. On the other hand, medium and large size handbags will help you to balance your figure with much more ease.

What is the reason for this choice? Well, a large handbag will distract a little from the overall look of your outfits and break up the figure more, saving you a few inches.

7. Use your best allies!

Your best allies are v-neck blouses and dresses. As well as clothes of opposite lengths: maxi and mini skirts and dresses. All of these types of clothing lengthen your physical features (especially the neck and legs) and manage to gain you a few extra inches.

Now that you know the top tips for looking taller, don’t wait any longer and start enjoying them now. We also encourage you to combine your outfits according to these little tips that will be useful for all occasions. Try all of these tips and you will find that you will attract the attention of more than one look and receive many more compliments.

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