Some Feng Shui Basics To Harmonize Your Interior

Thanks to feng shui, with just a few small changes, you will be able to improve the circulation of energy in your home and make it more pleasant and warm .

You have certainly already heard of feng shui or one of your relatives may have advised you some of these principles to improve the balance of your interior.

Some teachings of this ancestral technique are difficult to respect in city buildings or in old houses. However, we can always adapt to the rules that suit us to improve the energy of our rooms significantly.

Discover, in the rest of this article, how feng shui can help you make your home more harmonious, more pleasant and warmer, thanks to a few simple and practical changes.

What is feng shui?

Feng shui is a very ancient Chinese philosophical method, which aims to improve our environment (our home, our office, etc.).

It is based on ancestral techniques and aims to improve harmony, but also the balance of the person who evolves in this environment.

To achieve this, certain elements are essential:

  • The distribution of furniture
  • Lighting
  • Ventilation
  • The color of the walls
  • Mirrors and decorative elements
  • Other factors that are more difficult to change, such as the orientation of the building

In the rest of this article, we will give you some key details of feng shui to harmonize a space in a simple way, with the aim of obtaining many benefits for our health and our well-being.

The front door

The front door of the foyer is of vital importance, because its symbolism is fundamental when it comes to welcoming us every day, as well as receiving our guests.

It must therefore be large, robust and clear. It must be able to open right through, but it must also allow us to enter the first room of the house without encountering obstacles.

The luminosity

Our home must receive abundant light, whether of natural or electrical origin. It is this which allows to give a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Of course, sunlight is the most beneficial. We therefore advise you to opt for large windows if your house is well exposed.

However, at night, you should not allow light to enter the room where you sleep. No matter how small, light can interfere with your sleep.

The bathroom

A bathroom should always be very discreet in a house. It should not be visible from the entrance, kitchen or living room.

For this, it is interesting to locate the door of this room in relation to other places in the house, and to pay attention to its opening angle.

Curtains can be used to hide what is going on in that room, if it is visible from the central room of the house.

We learn from feng shui that the toilet seat should always be lowered. It is not a simple question of aesthetics, but of energy loss, which can be costly economically.

The kitchen of abundance

The kitchen is a very important place, because it symbolizes the abundance and wealth of the family.

The transformation of food by water and fire is an essential process that keeps everyone in the household healthy.

To do this, the cooker must be kept away from the refrigerator. These two opposing elements, fire and ice, must be kept at a distance.

In addition, the person cooking should not have their backs to the kitchen front door.

Finally, incorporate wooden elements, fresh fruit and natural flowers, to give your kitchen life and color.

Harmonious rest

The bedroom is the room in the house intended for privacy and rest; it should not have other functions. It is not recommended to work in this space, as it can totally unbalance it.

Here are some keys to a healthy bedroom, according to the precepts of feng shui:

  • Choose natural fabrics and materials, in pastel and soft tones. You can include a few pops of brighter colors, like red for example, but in a very reasonable way.
  • You have to pay attention to the orientation of your bed. The head of the bed should face north or east.
  • You should absolutely avoid placing mirrors that reflect the bed.
  • Although bedrooms are often convenient rooms for keeping things in, never place any items under your bed, as they will interfere with your night’s rest.

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