The 4 Morning Rules Of Conduct For Winners

Try to complete the tasks that you least enjoy in the morning or those that cost you the most, because that’s when we have the most energy. This way you can enjoy the rest of your day.

The early hours of the day can have a decisive influence on how the rest of the day unfolds. This is particularly the case for the triumphant.

There are personal advisers for triumphals, CEOs, great politicians and other influential people who are triumphant.

They claim that almost all of these people have the habit of getting up early and making the most of the early hours of the day!

Among those who take this practice to the extreme, we find figures like Margaret Thatcher. She would wake up every day at 5 a.m., or Robert Iger, CEO of Disney, who gets up around 4.30 a.m.

However, starting your day so early doesn’t necessarily mean starting work so early. But that simply means awakening your senses.

To better understand, let’s see the four infallible rules that a chronicler has found among the triumphant. According to her, these rules make their success:

1. The winners play sports

They wake up their body and make it move. Thus, they start the day with more energy. At the same time, they create a principle of positive inertia due to the hormonal response produced by exercise.

One way or another, they manage to ensure that that feeling of well-being that invades us at the end of a physical exercise is the starting point of their day.

This exercise does not have to be very strenuous. For example, you only need to do 20 minutes of static cycling, jogging or brisk walking, and then stretching.

2. They plan their day and project it in their head

Most of them already know the tasks ahead, but they spend a few minutes planning and imagining their activities, in such a way that they are able to anticipate some of the stressful moments that may arise. produce and put themselves in a position to face them even before they take place!

In addition, it allows them to plan for phases of rest or free time (which are just as important, or even more, than perfectly structured and planned activities).

3. The triumphant eaters have a good breakfast of triumphant ones

Breakfast for triumphs

If we want our body to perform well, we must give it adequate energy.

If we don’t, we risk feeling tired from the start of the day. But also to spend the morning snacking or consuming unsuitable food.

Our nervous system will then generate such a state of anxiety that we will end the day doubly tired!

4. They start by doing the job they don’t like the most.

They put the least attractive or the most difficult tasks on their agenda first. It’s at the start of the day that we have the most energy, so it’s the best time to make that call that bothers us particularly, to write that boring report or to tidy up your files.

As with exercise, it should be done early, because once the work is done, the day will be all the more enjoyable!

As with any routine, getting up early and making the most of the early hours of the day takes a lot of effort.


Rest is essential and our body only feels good when it has been able to relax, especially when we experience daily stress and give ourselves little respite.

But if you start to strive, you will gradually feel the benefits. You will also notice that everything gradually becomes easier and that your positive energy increases throughout the day!

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