5 Foods To Improve Kidney Function

There are many foods that can help us improve kidney function. Thanks to their depurative properties, these foods can help us to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Chronic kidney disease is a major health problem today. That’s why we’ve brought you a list of foods that can help you improve your kidney function here, which includes fruits and vegetables.

It is estimated that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease will have doubled within ten years due to the gradual aging of the population and the increase in other chronic processes such as diabetes and obesity.

Fruits, vegetables, and diets that help improve kidney function are excellent prevention measures that can help slow disease progression and improve cardiovascular complications associated with these conditions.

The kidneys perform an important regulatory function in our body: these organs are responsible for eliminating waste. The blood that passes through the kidneys is therefore filtered by them and they thus retain the substances to be eliminated. In addition, these organs regulate the fluids and electrolytes present in the body.

When a person suffers from severe kidney disease, it means that their kidneys are no longer performing the various functions mentioned properly. It is for this reason that patients must control their diet (liquids and food products).

Changing your diet to improve kidney function is not just a healthy recommendation, it is a fundamental part of treatment along with medication and dialysis.

An adapted diet is fundamental to correct the progression of the disease as well as to prevent the appearance of other diseases associated with renal function such as diabetes, hypertension or obesity.

The diet of individuals with kidney problems should be:

  • varied
  • balanced
  • appropriate energy level
  • orderly
  • adapted
  • completed

In the rest of this article, we present five fruits and vegetables that help us improve kidney function.

1. Escarole

Escarole, also known as escarole chicory, is a delicious vegetable and ideal for people who want to improve their kidney function. The reason is as follows: this food has a high water content and a low calorie intake.

Moreover, water represents nearly 95% of its composition, hence the fact that it is a light food. It is also a satiating food due to its high fiber content.

In addition to its high water content, escarole is particularly rich in minerals and vitamins. Among the most important are calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and sodium. Regarding vitamins, escarole is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamins of group B.

2. Onion and shallot

benefits of onions for kidney function

These vegetables are among the most widely used foods in gastronomy around the world. Layer after layer, onion and shallot contain many benefits.

With regard to renal function, it is their strong diuretic action that is interesting: these foods promote the expulsion of urine. In short, onion and shallot have a strong purifying power, an ideal characteristic for the health of our kidneys.

A scientific study published in the Journal of Medical Food verified the qualities of onion in effectively activating kidney function and removing fluids from the body.

As we said above, their purifying action is not their only virtue. These foods have many other benefits. They:

  • help fight diabetes
  • promote digestion
  • improve the immune system
  • relieves some respiratory diseases

3. Carrot

Carrot is a vegetable known for its benefits on visual health. However, this is not its only virtue: the carrot has many properties.

Regarding kidney function, this vegetable is important because of its diuretic power. Just like the previous foods, the carrot has a high water content, which facilitates the formation and expulsion of urine which, in turn, allows the disintegration of kidney stones.

And to return to visual health, it is very true that the carrot is an ally for our vision. Behind this myth hides the very essence of the carrot: the beta-carotenes present in this vegetable are powerful allies, because they prevent premature aging. Consuming carrots then allows us to protect the retina and prevent the appearance of cataracts.

4. Blueberries

blueberry juice to improve kidney function

In addition to their delicious taste, blueberries contain antiseptic active ingredients that are perfect for the urinary tract. The blueberries are so ideal for fighting infections and improve peripheral circulation.

The juice of red bilberries has a strong and surprising antiseptic and antibiotic action on the bacteria responsible for urinary infections, in particular on the bacterium Escherichia coli .

On the other hand, blueberries contain quinic acid, a substance that acidifies urine when excreted. This acid therefore allows us to prevent the formation of kidney stones and thus prevent urolithiasis.

In short, blueberries are an ideal fruit for improving kidney function.

5. Other foods that improve kidney function

The fruits and vegetables mentioned in this article are far from the only foods recommended for people who want to improve their kidney function.

There are many others with excellent properties for kidney function, such as:

  • The mandarin
  • the lemon
  • the cucumber
  • fresh asparagus
  • peas
  • the mushrooms

If you suffer from any type of kidney problem , do not hesitate to consult a trusted doctor so that he can offer you an adequate treatment and diet to correct this health problem.

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